Chapter 65

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After returning home from Wendy's Tord took off his coat and slipped into pajamas, sure it was early, but he was tired. He pulled up his texts with Tom.

Tord: I'm gonna head to bed. Gn love you.

Tord flopped on his bed and pulled on Tom's old sweater which seemed to take permanent residence in his bed. Tord closed his eyes.

But couldn't sleep. His mind swam with worry. He pulled out his phone.

Tord: Hey I can't sleep, can we just talk?

Tom: sure, I might fall asleep though.

Tord: that's fine

Tord: I get the feeling that something bad happened to you today.

Tom didn't respond for a while then started typing. After a minute or two, Tom responded with,

Tom: nah I'm good

Tord: ok, but I'm still a little worried.

The hours passed with the boys simply talking about whatever stupid idea they'd had, conspiracies about Ringo, and Tord flirting quite a bit. Tord could barely keep his eyes open. Tom was still typing. Tord shut his eyes for a moment.

Tord woke up with his phone on his face. Thank god he had plugged it in earlier. He sent Tom a text

Tord: good morning

Tord:sorry I fell asleep.

Tord scrolled up through Tom's other texts, they were a blend of confusion and slight worry. Tord got out of bed and ran through his morning routine.

The morning meet up was calm and quiet. Edd and Matt has stayed up late being dorks and it really sunk their energy. Edd was on his 4th can of cola that morning. Tom was lightly dozing against the cafeteria wall.Tord ruffled his hair and kissed his forehead.


"Shhhh, do you want to wake him up?"

Edd quieted down again. Tord sat at Tom's feet and started doodling mindlessly in a notebook from his backpack. He would occasionally look up to see if Tom was still asleep. The bell would ring in about 5 minutes so Tord gently shook Tom's shoulders.

"Hey, Tom get up. Tom, Thomas Tommy, get up!"

Tom woke up and looked around.

He yawned loudly and stretched his arms out.

"How long was I out?"

"Beats me, you were asleep when I got here."

The bell rang sharp and clear.

Tord pecked Tom's cheek and walked to his 1st period feeling light and bubbly.

This lasted until lunch where makeup slathered Emily waltzed up to HIS boyfriend and started flirting. Tord stood up and walked over to the table.

"Hey! Back off."

"What I can't talk to people?"

"You're not talking you're flirting, with someone who clearly isn't interested."

Emily looked at Tord as if he were a mosquito,

"That's up to handsome here, not you you little pixie."

Tord lunged at her.

"Don't you ever fucking call me that again!" Tord spat. Emily went wide eyed. Tord was about to punch her ugly face until,

"Tord! Calm the hell down!"

Tord looked up at Tom frowning at him. Tord got off of Emily and held a hand out to help her up. She slapped it away.

"Emily I'm really sorry."

Emily crossed her arms and walked away with her nose turned away from him.

Tord went to go sit down with Mina but was pulled down to the table by Tom.

"Thanks for helping, but that was a little much Commie."

Tord beamed. He wrapped Tom in a hug and nuzzled his neck. Tom jolted. Tord leaned back. Tom was a violent crimson. Tord smiled and stood from his seat. He'd done his job for today, make Tom blush.


The choir girls were all looking at him.

"You guys are so cute together!"

The girls started buzzing in agreement of Tord's choice of partner. Tord buried his face in his hands. Mina smiled and put a hand on his shoulder.

"It's beautiful isn't it?"

A Song of Two Hearts [A TomTord Highschool AU]Where stories live. Discover now