Chapter 10

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Tom returned home late into the night after evening with Tord. He entered the dark house to find his step dad passed out on the couch with the TV running. He walked past it, making sure to be quiet, and headed up to his room. Tom immediately collapsed on his bed, curling up close to a pillow and sighing into it. He didn't know how to feel, what to think, what to do. He definitely felt something around Tord. He just didn't know what. Actually he did know what, he just didn't want to admit it to himself. So he pushed it far out of his mind, and tried to sleep. Keyword: tried. Tom was currently incapable of sleeping in the slightest. Every time he closed his eyes he remembered being close to Tord. Every time he moved he slightly felt Tord's warmth against him. It was utter hell.

The violent chirping of obnoxious birds rose Tom at 5 in the morning. And as much as he wanted to return to his slumber he couldn't. So Tom lay in bed, trying to get that dumb Commie out of his mind. Tord was never worth a thought to him. So what the actual fuck was going on in this moment. He kept questioning this until his brain got sore from overthinking. So he got up, got dressed, and headed downstairs. To his utmost surprise he found his step dad awake.

"Where were you last night."

"I went out to meet someone."

"What a player."

"It wasn't like that!"

"Suree. As long as it was a girl I have no opposition."

"Does that mean you don't approve of gays?"

"Yeah, it's unnatural. They aren't helping populate humanity. And if I ever hear so much as a mumble of you being gay, I'm disowning you."

"You never owned me."

"What did you say to me?"

"I said I don't belong to you!"

"You are under my roof. I'm not even your father. I don't need to provide for you. But I do. Stop being a selfish brat."

"-You are right. You aren't my father. Stop acting like it. I'll be who I want. Stop trying to control me. Just because your life is pathetic doesn't mean you have to make mine the same."

That did it. Mr. Seas snapped. The glass in his hand smashed right next to Tom's head when he threw it. And at the least it was unnerving. Tom tried not to shake. He tried not to let his voice quiver.

"Fuck off."

Tom then walked out of the house, despite Mr. Seas angry calls. He made it to the yard and turned around to see a barely clothed old man yelling at him from the door: "come back right now or I swear to god you'll regret it," and the likes.

Tom ignored him, running down the street, trying to get away as fast as possible. He arrived at school, completely disheveled. His face was red from the running, and his hair was an utter mess from the wind. But he was away. And that was all he needed.

He weaved through the students, getting to the group's morning hang out.

"Busy night?" Edd asked.

Tom simply nodded. His mind not going the same route Edd's was.

"Who was the lucky lady?"

"Woah, no. I didn't have it busy that way man."

"Messy hair, red face, eye bags. You definitely did someone. Proud of you man. Took you long enough."

Tom's face grew redder. "Edd, I didn't do that, especially with a girl."

"Why especially with a girl?."

"N-no reason."

"Was it a boy?"


"Was it... Tord?"


Tom buried his head in his hands to try and conceal the raging blush spreading across his cheeks like a wildfire. Just then, that stupid Commie showed up.

"Hey guys." A loud squeal erupted from Edd's mouth. And Tom wanted to die at this very moment. Tord then let out an adorable yawn. He looked tired. Very tired. But Tom totally didn't notice that. Because he wasn't looking at Tord. At all. Not a glance. Instead he looked at Edd, who had smoothly changed the subject, but still threw in innuendos to completely embarrass Tom.

"Last night for me was smashing. What about you Tom?"

"It was pretty lame."

This type of discussion proceeded until the bell rang, starting school. The group separated off to their independent classes. And Tom couldn't get away from Edd or Tord fast enough. He basically flew to his first period. Math wasn't his best subject. At all. None of it made sense. The numbers jumbled in his head, and the end result was always wrong. But at least he wasn't being humiliated for something that didn't happen.

A Song of Two Hearts [A TomTord Highschool AU]Where stories live. Discover now