Chapter 76

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Tom eventually dragged his pathetic ass out of the grass and headed home. His face was tear stained. But that didn't matter. He was being a wimp and needed to suck it up. If Tord was going to be a colossal asshole then Tom wasn't going to let it affect him.

Tom returned to the quiet house. He slipped in through the front door, trying to not make any noise. Regardless, Mrs. Laila peeked her head out of the back room and smiled at him.

"Hey sonny. How ya doing?"

"Fucking peachy."



"It's fine. Now what happened dearie?"

"It clearly wasn't nothing."

"I just don't want to talk about it."

The room went silent for a moment, and the duo stood in the dark. Occasionally the room would be illuminated by a passing car, and Tom could see his Granny's worried features.

"Do you want some brownies?"

She moved through the dark to the kitchen and flicked on the light.

"Come here and entertain an old woman while she cooks."

Tom followed behind, grass still sticking to his hoodie. His eyes looked puffy, though neither commented on it.

The timer on the stove dinged and Mrs. Laila pulled the brownies out. The sweet aroma filled the room, and it made Tom think of Tord. But then he remembered the look Tord had and that thought immediately went away.

"Eat the brownie."

Tom looked at it for a moment, and poked at it with a fork. But he couldn't stomach the idea of eating at the moment.

"Darling what's wrong."

"It's Tord."

"I never liked that boy."
"It's the truth. I knew he was gonna hurt you somehow. He gave me bad vibes."

"I bet he was just having a bad evening. His mom seemed sad as well."

"That doesn't excuse his actions."

Tom agreed, but still felt the need to defend his boyf riend. He just decided to stay quiet.

"So what exactly did he do?"
Tom bit his lip out of nervousness. But then opened his mouth, his voice was soft and full of pain.

"He told me I wasn't useful or wanted."

"Oh honey." Mrs. Laila pulled Tom into a tight hug. She immediately recognized the emotional damage that statement had done. Tom felt tears drip down his face as he grasped onto her shirt. "You are both useful and wanted. Your dick of a step-father couldn't recognize that. And neither can Tord. But that doesn't devalue you."

"Thank you."

"You don't need to thank me dearie."

They stood in the kitchen hugging for a while. And Tom started to feel better.

After a while he finally had a bite of the brownie and then headed up to bed.

A Song of Two Hearts [A TomTord Highschool AU]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant