Chapter 38

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Tom felt out of place. Everyone stood professionally and the way they talked was foreign. So Tom clung to Tord's side. But what he wasn't expecting was to meet the very man Tord despised more than Mr. Seas. Tord's father disturbed Tom deeply. This was the man who abused Tord for years, causing a large amount of bruises and broken bones. And Tom wanted to kill him. But that probably wasn't the best idea considering he was surrounded by soldiers. So instead he put a smile on his face.

"Hey kiddo!" The man had a blistering smile. It was bright and straight. And clearly fake. "And who is this?"

"This is Tom, a friend."

"Well Tom, a pleasure to meet you. Any friend of my son is a friend in my book." The man tightly shook Tom's hand, and he swore he heard it crack.

"Pleasure to meet you as well, sir."

Tom noticed Tord slightly moving to stand in front of Tom.

"So sonny, congrats on beating me. We'll have to rematch some time."

"Of course, father."

The leader was dragged off by soldiers to talk about who knows what.

"So this is where you disappear to every once in a while."


"What's it like?"



"Yeah. Wanna see anything specific?"

"Can I see your quarters?"


Tord grabbed Tom's wrist and dragged him through the crowd. Tord passed by a large building and headed towards one of many small square buildings. A retina scan ran over his eyes, and the door slid open. Tord and Tom entered a dark room with an interior of mainly metal. Tom sat down next to Tord on the twin sized mattress that lay in the corner. The walls were a dark grey and the floor was the same color. Overall it was bland and lacked personality, a complete contrast to Tord's room back in their town.

"Well, at least it is organized." Tord let out an awkward laugh at Tom's statement.

"You get 100 pushups in the morning if it isn't."

"Ah, it really is hell."


They sat in awkward silence for a while, just staring at the floor.

"So how have you been? I haven't seen you for a while."


"That's good." Tom opened his mouth about to ask a question. Color suddenly erupted to his cheeks and he looked down.

" What's wrong Tom?"

"I just had a thought, it was dumb."

"Well I'm bored, any thought is a good thought right now."

"You know, last time I saw you...."

"Just say it."


"Oh.... I thought I had only imagined doing that."

"I can confirm that it wasn't just in your imagination."

"Well, did it bother you?"

Tom knew the answer immediately. But would Tord enjoy his response? He'd have to, right? Tord had kissed his cheek of his own free will. That had to count for something.

"Not at all."


They returned in their awkward silence, both of them trying to ignore how awkward the environment had become. The silence had been broken by Tord.



"Do you... like me?"

Tom almost responded, the words laying on his tongue. He moved to look Tord in the eye. Just then a young boy, only a couple years older than the duo rushed through the door.

"The leader wants you."

Tom wanted to yell at that man in that very moment. But instead he silently followed Tord back to the crowded room full of people he didn't know.

A Song of Two Hearts [A TomTord Highschool AU]Where stories live. Discover now