Chapter 82

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Tom's hand was shaking from utter fear, but he hid it behind his back so no one could see. He made it to the side of Tord's father all too soon in his opinion. Tom felt a hand grip on his shirt he had just recently put on. The hand pulled him close, and when he looked at this man all he could see was a stronger Mr. Seas. And Tom did what Mr. Seas would hate most. He smiled. He gave the biggest toothy grin he could muster to the Red Leader before him.

"It's an honor to be beaten by you sir."

Tom felt his guts curl. He hated every moment of this. But this is the only way he could continue to protect the love of his life when he went to the base. So he literally grinned and beared it.

"Father wait. This male scored higher than most of our soldiers on his first try. Prior to training. Wouldn't beating him discourage him from wanting to continue working for the army?"

Tom felt the hand minutely loosen, before tightening again.

"Larrison don't question my judgement. Soldiers need to know how to take a beating."

"I'm already good at that sir, you can ask my step-father."

The Red Leader looked in surprise before giving a toothy grin. It scared Tom to his core. This man was a monster. He could feel evil radiating off of him, and it was taking away Tom's breath. He suddenly felt a harsh pain in his cheek. It took him a moment to realize he had been hit. And once he realized it he stood up straight and looked again at the Red Leader.

"That's quite a punch sir."

"You can leave now. Larrison come back this evening, and bring this boy with you. He entertains me."

And with that Tom and Tord saluted and left the room.As soon as they were a safe distance away Tord exploded.

"Why the fuck did you do that. You dumbass. Your whole cheek is purple. Do you know how scary that was? You could have died."


"Don't babe me. I'm pissed at you. You ignored my orders. You got hurt. You fucking smiled at my dad."


"Shut up! I hate you right now. You need to le-"
Tom did the only thing he could think of to shut Tord up. He kissed him. At first Tord's whole body got tense, and he felt Tord's hands trying to push him away. But eventually he felt Tord relax and kiss back. They finally separated, resting their foreheads against each other.

"I'm still pissed at you." Tord muttered quietly.

"Good. You look hot when pissed."

Tom enjoyed Tord's red face, and finally pulled away from him.

"Can we go back to your room. I feel hot and wanna take off my shirt."


They had been quiet the whole walk, and when Tom entered the room he ripped off his shirt and collapsed on the bed.

"I'll take a nap right here."

"Stop being a baby."

Tom let out pretend snores and then actually fell asleep.

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