Chapter 11

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The choir was ablaze with gossip as the children did their rhythm warm up. Mina turned towards Tord,

"Sooooooooo, do you like anyone in this class?"

"Yeah, they're all nice."

"No tord, like-like."

Tord turned to Mina with a look of 'Are you crazy?'

"Mina, I'm not into girls...."

"Oh, ok!" Mina chirped clearly not getting the message.

A girl a few rows behind Tord was going on about something or another, Tord wasn't really paying attention to it.

"God, he's so hot."


"The hottie in front of us, duh!"

The girls whispered softly for a while till Mr. Talonson finished with the warm up.

After the warmup he started to hand out the music for the first concert of the year. The fall concert, which landed around mid October.

It had been a few weeks since the choir girls got their music, the fall concert was approaching and fast. It was about a week until the concert. And the subject of concert attire rolled around.

"Alrighty girls, and Tord." Tord smiled at his director.

"Anyways, we have dresses that are for the concert, they insure a uniform neatness that I just love."

Tord raised his hand.

"Yes, Tord?"

"Mr. Talonson, what about me?"

Mr. Talonson furrowed his brow in thought.

"That depends on whether you're willing to wear a dress." Mr. Talonson continued answering questions as Tord thought for a while.

He could wear the boys attire and stick out like a sore thumb, or he could sacrifice his pride and wear a dress, achieving unison of the choir clothes. He made his mind up once he suggested the latter.

It was the night of the fall concert. The girls arrived for their call time and stepped up on the stage. Each one wearing a sleeveless black dress that fell to their ankles.

No one even noticed the horned haired male in the third row.

The girls performed their three songs: Circle 'round the moon, Sing a song of seasons, and Fireflies. The crowd roared and clapped as the girls took a bow.

They filed back to their seats and the boys sang through their songs as well, also receiving applause and cheers.

After the concert Tord was walking home alone, for his mother was busy working. He walked past a house that seemed familiar but he paid it no mind, until he heard a familiar voice laughing at him.

"Oh my god, HAHAHA ohhh that's too good." Tom wiped the tears he worked up from laughing so hard away and walked over to Tord to clearly make fun of him. 

A Song of Two Hearts [A TomTord Highschool AU]Where stories live. Discover now