Chapter 103

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Tord ran until he couldn't anymore and fell to his knees. Gasping for breath he laid back on the cold ground. The early February air was freezing and the sweat didn't help. Tord got to his feet after catching his breath. He started to walk weakly towards his home. God he missed it. After a while of walking he heard the stamping of feet. He hid behind a tree his breath skyrocketing as his head immediately went to his father or an affiliated soldier coming to drag him back to base.


The voice was out of breath and tired, but it was clearly Tom. Tord stepped into the clearing and ran into his boyfriend's arms.

"Tom! You're alright, thank god."

They embraced for a while just enjoying each other's presence.

"Let's go home."

Tom took his hand and they trudged onward. As they walked they chattered of happy memories of home. After about a mile of walking Tord couldn't walk another step.

"I'm gonna call my mama to pick us up. We can sit in that tree while we wait."

Tom nodded and started to scale the tree as Tord texted his mother. Tord then climbed the tree as well and cuddled up to Tom on one of the stronger branches.

The bright lights of the blinkers of Trisha's small red car caused Tord to jump down from the branch to a lower one. Tom jumped straight down and held his arms out to catch Tord. Tord jumped down into his arms and latched onto Tom. Tom carried him over to the car and opened the backseat door.

"Hi Mrs. Larrison."

Tom said quietly as he laid his boyfriend down in the backseat before climbing in himself. Tord once again latched to Tom to suck out his warmth.

Trisha handed back a water bottle and Tord chugged from it. Handing it to Tom and wiping his mouth on the back of his sleeve. The trio sat in comfortable silence as they drove back to the town they called home. The car stopped at the curb next to Mrs. Laila's flower shop and Tom stepped out. Tord whimpered slightly but let him go.

The door shut and Trisha leaned back and ruffled her son's hair.

"Are you alright love?"

"Yes mama. I'm home now."

Trisha smiled and started up the engine again to drive them home.

Once at home Tord tossed the dirty clothes into the laundry bin, making sure to hold on to Tom's old sweater. He got dressed in pajamas and lied down after Trisha gave him a lovely dinner and kissed his forehead good night. He turned amidst the fluffy blankets and pillows, but something felt off. Something was missing. After tossing around for awhile Tord knew what he was missing. He picked up his phone in weak fingers and cringed at the brightness of his lock screen but pushed on to complete his task .

Tord: Tom

Tord: Tommy, I can't sleep. The bed feels so empty.

Tord waited for a response but didn't receive one. He whimpered and buried himself further in the blankets, pulling Tom's sweater close in a desperate attempt to recreate the effect of his boyfriend sleeping beside him, but failing miserably. He closed his eyes, clamped then shut. He was stirred out of bed by a tapping sound against his window. He got up to his window to see his boyfriend clinging to his windowsill beaming at him. Tord opened his window and pulled Tom in. However he was knocked onto his back from the force of pulling the male up. Tom hugged him close and Tord stopped tensing. He didn't even know he was tensing. Tom gently picked him up and flopped onto the bed still holding onto Tord. Tord cuddled into Tom as Tom pulled the blankets over the two of them and Tord finally fell asleep.

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