Chapter 41

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It was the week before the winter concert and the choir class was stressed. 

"Now remember: dynamics!" Mr Talonson ran them through the songs again and again, tuning the pieces to perfection.

Tord sat with his friends at lunch, his choir friends that is. 

"Can you believe it's almost break?"

"Yep! Almost, just gotta push through this concert then it's Christmas time baby!"

Mina leaned in,

"Hey Tord, you gonna invite anyone to this concert? I saw you didn't have anybody with you at the last one."

"I hadn't really thought of that. Thanks for the idea."

"You should invite that boy you like!"

"Nooooo, no. He wouldn't like that."

"Just ask him! It can't hurt to try."

Tord didn't walk over to the table the boys were at. He sat lost in thought. The last time he was alone with Tom he was a mess. He was doing better now, his father didn't want him on base so he didn't have to worry about that for a while. His mother had been working later and later, to an extent where her nose was always in a paper, and her phone always at her ear. Trisha still worked as Red Leader's secretary, but from a far distance. 

The bell rang signaling the end of lunch and Tord headed off with the choir girls to the music building.

In seventh period as his science teacher droned on about something about erosion, he pulled his phone out of his pocket and typed quietly.

Tord: Hey Tom

He tucked his phone back in his pocket and waited calmly, tired from the rigorous day. A small buzz in his hoodie pocket went off. His classmate turned to him, Tord was pretty sure her name was Emily, but that didn't really matter. She was scrolling on her phone under the table too. 

Tom: Hey Commie, what's up?

Tord: you busy Wednesday night at 6?

Tom: no, is this you asking me on a date?

Tord flushed a bright pink, Emily leaned over and peered at his phone. 

"Aw man, I thought somebody sent you nudes."

'Wtf Emily' Tord thought as he responded 

Tord: It's the winter concert, I was wondering if you wanted to come...

Tom: oh, yeah I'd love to go.

Tord let out a happy sigh and turned off his phone, putting it back in his pocket.

"Emily, Tord, do you have something you want to share with the class?"

Tord jumped in his seat as his teacher glared at him.

"No ma'am, sorry. It won't happen again." 

"Good, now the earth's landscape is always changing from ..."

Tord tuned out the lesson.

At home he scrounged through the kitchen for a snack, settling on a can of Pepsi and some leftover bacon from Sunday, it was a ritual in the house to make bacon and pancakes for breakfast on Sundays. Tord shuffled up the stairs with his snack, abandoning his shoes at the door. He had to find his choir dress, for he lost track of it between the last time he wore it and now. Tord set his snack down on his desk and pulled his sweater over his head, switching it out for Tom's sweater instead. Tord still didn't want to give it back, but it was getting colder and Tom had no other jacket. He'd return it after the concert, yeah.

Or maybe he'd take Tom shopping for a new sweater...

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