Chapter 78

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Tom was currently looking over the texts he had spammed for the past 4 weeks. Tord had gone to the base, and Tom was feeling lonely. Tord would occasionally respond, but it was rare. And at this point Tom was desperate. Almost as much as the people on tinder.

So he made a plan to go see Tord. It was insanely dumb. But he was going to do it. He had already told his Granny that he was going to Edd's house for a couple days.

Tom had a duffle packed which held some clothes and his phone charger. And he knew where the base was from that one event Tord dragged him too. So Tom left an unclarified "I'll see you soon" text to Tord and headed out to the bus stop. He had spent a long time researching how to get there, and found a bus stop that was only 3 miles from the base. So he headed out.

When Tom made it onto the bus he set up his playlist and played games on his phone. The drive was going to be about half an hour. And towards the end of the ride Tom had pulled up the few photos he had of Tord to look at.

Tom finally arrived at the bus stop. The place he got off at was a run down town with a small population. And he immediately started walking away from it, heading towards the 'secret' base. In that moment reality hit Tom, and he realized that if he had remembered the location wrong he would be stranded in this Town for the next day until the bus came back. But he treked on anyway, heading the way his map delegated. And on the way he listened to Tord's favorite songs.

Tom noticed a tall wall in the distance, and he cracked a smile realizing he had made it. But the hard part was just beginning, he had to break into this place. He had to break into a military base. Full of soldiers. With weapons. Oh boy. Tom pulled out a harpoon from his backpack. God this was dumb. The harpoon had a rock climbing rope attached to it. And his master plan was to throw the harpoon over the wall and use the rope to climb up. So he moved to where he assumed the least populated area was, which was the right back corner. He had remembered it being the most empty when he had been there last. And then Tom proceeded to throw the harpoon. It sailed smoothly over the wall with no complications. He then proceeded to climb up the wall. And when he was halfway up he started to regret slacking off in gym.

For a moral boost Tom started to hum the Mission Impossible theme. And eventually he found himself at the top. Tom felt super proud in that moment, and quickly got to work collecting his harpoon and hiding.

He found himself near the housing area where he remembered Tord showing him his room. But then Tom recalled the retina scan and immediately deterred from that idea. The sky was going dark, and Tom was tired. He had been traveling all day and really wanted to take a nap in Tord's arms. So he thought of the next place Tord would be. And the only place he could think of was the red leader's office. So he headed the way he thought it was.

Tom soon found himself standing in front of a large building with soldiers constantly flowing in and out. This was going to be hard to sneak into, but Tom was going to do it anyway. So he quietly moved behind a wall that hid him from view and waited. When Tom heard someone passing he pulled them back into the alley-like area. He then slammed his duffel bag into their head so they passed out. Tom then took his time to change into the unconscious man's uniform. He placed his own clothes into a duffel bag, and left the soldier in his underwear on the dirt. He almost felt bad. Almost.

Tom then used the tactic of hiding in plain sight to get into the building. And no one seemed alarmed by his presence. He used the directory that was on the wall to direct him to the main office, and couldn't believe how convenient everything had been so far.

After Tom walked around the halls for a while he found two large doors made of wood. They were slightly ajar and from the inside Tom could hear what sounded like Tord's voice. So Tom quietly opened the door enough for him to get through and snuck along the wall. The room was relatively dark with only three lights. One was shining on a massive portrait of Tord's father. The other sat on a large wooden desk that took up the center of the room. And the final light swung above the exact center of the area.

He looked behind the desk to find Tord sitting in a uniform with practically perfect posture. He looked serious, and Tom found every aspect of the man before him attractive.

Tord was currently talking to a pair of soldiers. And it wasn't until they left that Tom emerged from the shadows, standing confidently in the uniform of the red army. 

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