Chapter 99

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Tord didn't trust Anastasia for even a moment. He decided that he needed to keep an eye on her today, and possibly longer. He was so close to freedom he couldn't afford to be stuck here longer or even worse put Tom in danger. Tord has sent Tom to train with Zero, despite his boyfriend's worried expression and fearful look.

"So, I'm assuming you came in here to fetch me for a date."

Anastasia nodded. Tord sighed and shooed her out of the room so he could change. She stood right outside the door. Tord opened the door and handed her a walkie talkie.

"Direct contact to higher ups and menial labor such as cleaning and disposing of bodies. Since you've taken all my powers you must wear this during all work times and can be pulled at anytime by higher ups. You also have to cover for Red Leader and fill in his paperwork."

Anastasia clipped the walkie talkie to her belt loop and linked her arm with Tord's.

"Now take me on a date, boyfriend."

"Yes ma'am."

Tord's response was as cold and robotic he could muster after just waking up. He truly wanted to go back to sleep with his lovely boyfriend. But good soldiers followed orders.

"I hope this is just a one time thing and you haven't picked up sleeping around from your mother."

Tord wanted to strangle her right there but he knew that wouldn't get him anywhere, but in hot water with his father.

"Don't talk about people unless you've met them and you clearly haven't met Trisha Larrison."

Anastasia rolled her eyes and detached from his arm.

"I can say whatever I want to."

"You're no better than the rest of us."

"Anyways where are we going?"

"I've just been walking northwest waiting for you to tell me where to go."

Anastasia groaned clearly annoyed by Tord's dull attitude.

"Why can't you just act like yourself?"


Tord dragged Anastasia to the fighting grounds and picked up a spare small blade. He stuffed it in his pocket. In the distance he could see his boyfriend getting slammed again and again into the dirt by Zero.

"Hey Zero! How's your lover?"

He yelled across the field, Zero yelled right back across the wide expanse of grass and mostly dirt.

"They're good squirt!"


After yelling Tord sat down on the ground to sharpen his knife. Testing it out against the fabric of the bottom of his coat. He hummed in satisfaction and stood up. He pulled his phone out of his coat pocket and dialed a number.

Anastasia looked completely flabbergasted at the boy's actions.

"What are you doing?"

"Do you not like the way I act?"

"No, this is completely out of character for you."

"You've known me for a month at best, and you've never seen me off base, you know nothing about me other than what my father wants you to know."

Anastasia rolled her eyes once more and walked towards the cafeteria. Tord followed. They each gathered a meal. Tord instead of sitting at his lonely table sat with two brown haired soldiers. As Tord sat they both stood and saluted.

"At ease. And sit down."

The soldiers sat down. They seemed oddly familiar to him.

"Have I met you two before?"

"Yes sir, we escorted you to base a few months ago."

Tord tried to make conversation with the soldiers but they refused to calm down and treat him like a person. Anastasia also clung to his side. And god was he uncomfortable.

"Who are you ma'am?"

"I'm his girlfriend."

One of the soldiers gave Tord a look of "dude you're gay, why are you with her?"

Tord liked this soldier, he had a good strong gaydar from the looks of it. Anastasia attempted to cuddle into his chest but he lightly pushed her off and away. He knew that this last week was going to be absolute hell.

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