Chapter 64

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When Tom heard the aggressive knocks on his door he knew he was fucked. The sound was familiar, his step-dad caused it. And it was followed by the yelling.

"Little bitch get out here!"

Tom sighed, he'd have to face this man eventually. I mean he literally had legal sovereignty over him. Ignoring him wasn't going to work. The blistering light met his eyes when he opened the door. And above him was a tall man he had always hated. The man was completely blocking the door, but Tom found a way to squeeze through. He started walking away from the man, trying to create distance. He didn't really care about the completely open door to the motel room.

Mr. Seas grabbed Tom's arm and started to pull him with him down the street.

"Let go of me!" His voice was higher and louder than he wanted it to be.

"You are coming with me."

"No, I'm not."

Tom ripped his arm out of the man's grip, and a big fist started to head his way. He braced for impact, there was no way he could dodge it in time.

"Is something wrong here?"

Tom had never been so relieved to see Mrs. Laila's face. She was a guardian angel. And he really wanted to hug her. But that wasn't going to happen in front of that man.

"Not at all ma'am."

"Doesn't look like it. Are you okay Tom."

"No ma'am. This man is harassing me."

"Well as your employer it is in my interest to keep you safe. So big man, fuck off. If I see you harassing this fine young man I'm calling the police and beating you with flower pots. Have a horrible day."

Mrs. Laila sassily walked away, and Tom eagerly followed. The familiar scent of the store calmed him, and the colors of the flowers relaxed his eyes.

"Who was he."

"Legal guardian."

"Why was he after you?"

"Trying to put me in an orphanage."

"Not if I have a say in it. How would you like me to be your guardian?"

"You really don't have to do that."

"I know. I'm doing it anyway."

"Then yes. Thank you."

"No need to thank me dearie. The house has been lonely since my Casey passed away."

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