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next morning, you wobble your way towards the school, sunglasses on your pale face, protecting your sensitive red eyes.

who do they think they are, taking my meds? and quitting is not hard, they just make it sound hard, im gonna have no problem at all! i dont need them, nor the meds...

you walk into the school and make your way through the corridors towards the classroom, heartbeat pulsing and eyesight a bit blurry.

"hey! stop!" you stop, obliging to the voice that came behind you before you even know if it was even shouted at you. it was. aizawa and hizashi come to stand infront of you, glaring at you.

youre not even wearing the school uniform, youre in some hospital-looking-dress and slippers, knee long red socks, sunglasses inside the building. what?

"are you ok?" hizashi asks. "yeah, great" you say in a monotome voice. "some man was here yesterday, saying hes from the home" aizawa says. "ok" was all you replied, they raised an eyebrow. "purple hair, glasses, some kind of teleport ot glitch or something quirk..." he says.

"i-i-i-i dont k-kn-kn-" you nod and grab from your bag your single bottle of pills, all that they didnt take, not knowing about it or the bottles in your locker that you kept for school, and put two pills in your mouth, swallowing, and waiting a minute to let it affect.

"sorry, tics. i meant that i dont know who youre talking about, we only have women at the home" you shrug your shoulders, looking up at them as they look at each other, confused. aizawa stares at you, very confused. yesterday he pointed out you dont have tics, but you just used it as an excuse again?

"are you feeling better {Y/N}?" aizawa asks. "yeah, im all fine-" your legs loose feeling and you fall forward, right on aizawa who quickly catchs you, holding you in his arms.

you quickly push yourself off of his chest and stand infront of them, coughing. "sorry! sorry, im still a bit weak..." you whisper, looking down at your feet, cursing them.

they stare at you, confused, scared. "i should get to class" you say, pointing forward, and you start walking, hizashi on your right and aizawa on your left.

first step you take, your eyesight goes black and your knees give away, bending and falling down, aizawa and hizashi quickly grab onto your arms as you fall down, loosing consiouness for a second.

"{Y/N}!" they both call, holding onto your arms as you fall, but quickly a snore sound comes from your throat and you jolt up to your feet again. "sorry! sorry! im just a little weak still" you make up an excuse quickly, hizashi leaves your arm but aizawa still holds onto you, one of his hands gripping on your bicep and the other slips to hold onto your freezing cold hand.

"are you sure you are fit back to school?" he asks lowly, "of course i am" you answer quickly and start walking again, aizawa beside you, still holding your hand gently in his. his hand is so warm, and so goddamn big, i can feel how much he works from his tense muscles.

her hand is goddamn freezing, shes not well, its shaking.

you stand infront of the door and he finally releases your hand, opening the door and you quickly enter, sitting down at an empty table beside todoroki.


you stand outside the classroom, holding onto your bag in your hands, already in your costume, head falling to the sides as you almost fall asleep, but youre quickly up again when you feel something pulling on your bag.

when you finally focus your eyes again, you see todoroki holding your bottle of pills. "hey!" you call, pushing yourself off the wall, "give those back!" you call.

the addict and the hero (aizawa x reader)(bnha x reader)Where stories live. Discover now