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its been more then a week since the last time you took anything but light relaxers, (since you had 3 valium pills shoved down your throat), and you were getting less withdrawel symptoms, but you are starting to feel despressed.

nothing, or at least, nothing that you know about, can give you the feeling you got when you took drugs. everything was dull and boring, and there was nothing to look forward to. if this is life, its too boring.

you fell into your past, thinking a lot about yourself and about your family and the things that happened to you, and it all seemed dark. everything is dark, boring, dull and sad.

in the morning youd go to school, sit boardly through the classes, and then youd go to the home and train for the rest of the day, since there was nothing better to do.

currently sitting in class, you thpught about your last interaction with your mother before she sent you to the home.

how you yelled at each other after your fathers funeral, having a pretty bad argument. the truth is, you didnt yell anything much. she would usualy just find something to blame on you, and will go off.

"you should be greatful that im your mother and that you have a mother at all!! i wish for you that you die before i do so you wont know what its like to lose a mother!" she shouted at you, and something in you let go. your father just died, and everything was changing. "well as long as one of us dies, its good enough for me!" it was the first time you yelled back at her, and it was your last interaction before she gave you to the orphanage.

"hey {Y/N} are you with us?" aizawa asks, waking you up from your day dreaming. you sigh and nod, looking forward at him again.

aizawa was very confused by you. the first days he got to know you, you were supposedly sick, very sick, and then you got kidnapped, and after that, which is now, you seemed depressed. incredibally sad, distant, aloof.

aizawa cared for all of his students, all of them, but you were a different case. people your age often had depression or some kind of family problems or maybe just introverted, but you were different. you seemed really depressed, the worst case of depression hes seen. and you were a weird person. you laughed when asked about your dead father and apologized when you yourself got kidnapped, and of course lived in an orphanage.

you confuse him, and hes not sure how to help you, but he wants to. when he hugged you the other day, he felt it. your need to be hugged, and how you felt while hugging him was so strong it rediated off of you. you looked so sad, but he wasnt sure how to help.

he sees you every day gulping down those pills and day dreaming all day long. usualy, hed know exactly what to say and what to do, but he was so unsure with you, he actually didnt do anything. he was scared.

it was obvious you were depressed and traumatised and had problems with trust and self value, but with you, he wasnt how to procede. how does he get you to be comfortable around him? how does he help you if he doesnt know what would trigger you? you were a porceline doll, and he was too rough to hold you until he learned how.

for you actually, after hugging him and hearing his gentle words and apologizes, you were confused. there was a feeling you couldnt understand, and couldnt analyze. he was gentle, he was a good man with good intentions, and he was nice to you. but people arent just nice to anyone, right? and he acts like he cares because he gets paid for it, right? right?


at the end of the day you go straight to your locker and take a few pills from a bottle, closing the locker once again before you start leaving.

the addict and the hero (aizawa x reader)(bnha x reader)Where stories live. Discover now