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when you wake up again, you notice that outside the window, its still dark. nighttime.

after a few more breaths you notice that... you are not sure where you are. scratching your neck, you sit up and look around.

oh, sasakis house.

as you sit there longer and longer, you remember things while rubbing your eyes. how you freaked out at school and ran away, got hit by a car and called... your mom...

oh shit.

you reach to grab your phone from the nightstand when you finally see, on the floor, shouta is sleeping.

hes sleeping on the floor, one hand on his forehead, and he looks so peaceful.

has he been here all this time, just for me? i made him worry...

with a sigh, you check the date.

your fathers memorial day.

"shit" you mummble out in a hoarse voice, and cough lightly.

with a sigh, you try to pick up your shaking and weak body, and being careful not to wake up shouta, you leave the room and go for the bathroom.

as you stand before the mirror, you take a good look at yourself and sigh as you ruffle your hair.

this look on your is familiar, the tired, the hurt, the pale and dry lips.

you wash your face, rubbing your face hard, and gurgle toothpaste in your mouth before you open the cabinets to find some products. your habd reachs for the vaseline that you put on your lips and your eyelashes.

with another sigh, you realize you have nothing else to do, so with your phone you leave to the kitchen, get yourself a glass of water and sit on a chair.

you sip it slowly, still not feeling your best, but probably better if you succeded in walking and picking up stuff.

you take your time, just staring at the table and taking small sips of water.

just because of my inconvenice i made two busy people run around just for me. i made them worried and now i have been sleeping in one of theirs house for 2 nights, and the other is breaking his back on the floor just to make sure im alright.

you shake your head with a sigh again, and pick up the glass of water, retiring to the balconey, sitting in the comfy chair and stare up at the sky as it slowly starts to brighten and chabge colours with the morning.

you need this connection with mother nature right now, maybe itll give you some power.


shouta wakes up when the sun shines through the window and right on his face.

he groans and slowly sits up, cracking his back from sleeping on the floor and looks around.

you are not in bed.

he quickly scrumbles up and looks around, his heartbeat picking up in seconds that you again ran away from him.

he runs out of the room and looks around the rooms, until he sees you sitting outside on the balconey with a glass of water.

he slams the door open and runs in, and immediatly hugs you.

after a few moments of shock, you hug back.

"i thought you left again" he sighs as he pats down your hair, smiling softly.

"i would have nowhere to go, you are here"

you now know that you are not still completly back to normal, since you are yourself shocked that those words left your mouth.

you stand up to make it easier to hug him as you press yourself to his chest, half leaning on him since you stood too fast.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2023 ⏰

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