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the duels back in the school are already happening, you were excused for your 'medical emergency' and uraraka took your place in the duel against bakugo.

while todoroki battled against sero, you were walking down to the bridge. it took you time today, you were walking slow, narrow vision and thoughts running through your head like a train, again, you didnt hear anything, didnt see anything.

it took about an hour when you finally got to the bridge, and you slid down the hill, looking to the sides and finding under the bridge a few people. you start walking towards them, angry, aggrivated, not in the mood for annoying people.

"hey little girl, what are you doing here?" its a man with blond hair and a clean shaved face, a heavy jacket around him and 3 other men around him.

"what do you have?" you snap at him, looking up at him through your eyebrows. "shit lady, some blizz, crash, zoom-" eugh, i hate it when they use the street names. "give me" you grumble, putting your hand forward facing up.

"you got money little lady?" he asks, crossing his arms. "give me" you repeat, taking a deep breath. your whole body was shaking from the over use of the trenqualizers, feeling very very cold, but your blood was boiling with anger.

"money?" he asks again in a more demending voice. sighing, you raise your hand up and connect to his chest and throw him back, practically slamming him on the pillar thats holding the bridge up, stained with graffity.

the other 3 men flinch, yelling and shouting, throwing hands. annoyed, you raise your hand again and grab one of them by the throat and pick him up. "who wants to fight me?!" you call loudly, opening your other arm to the side. "no takers?!" you shout, tightening your grip on the mans throat, his arms and legs kicking anf punching.

you drop him down to the ground once again and take a step forward, but one of the men that you still havent touched launched at you. you turn around quickly and duck in a circle just as he throws a punch that flies over your head, and you grab onto his wrist and throw him over your head, slamming him down on the ground.

"do no appal me" you hiss, digging the heel of your shoe into his shoulder as he yelps and calls, trying to take a grip on your ankle, but you pin both his arms down. after a few seconds, you let go of him and continue your walk over to the pillar where there sat a bag.

falling to your knees you open up the bag with shaking hands and dig your hand in, pulling out a single bag. opening it up, you put a tiny bit of the powder on your nail and put it up to your nosetrail, snorting it up. its not clean, this is horrible. it wont even effect you, at all. you throw the bag down with annoyance.

"eugh, this is gross, i can feel how not pure that is" you groan, standing uo and swaying your way over to the blond you slammed on the wall earlier, looking down at him. "get some clean fucking drugs, you asshole" you snarl, and turn around to leave.

this is not it. i need it. i need clean, pure drugs. the pharmecist.

feet taking the lead, you walk back up to the bridge and start walking to the city, your feet knowing the location theyre taking you to, even if you walked slow, feeling cold and thoughts were so horrible your stomach hurt.


the sun is almost setting already, the tournament is finished with bakugo winning first place, todoroki after him and tokoyami in the third place.

a little dissapointed in himself, todoroki walks back to the locker room to grab his bag, when he sees on the floor under your locker, your bag. you didnt take it with you? you just ran out the door? walking over, he sees your phone as well. you left it too? something isnt right...

the addict and the hero (aizawa x reader)(bnha x reader)Where stories live. Discover now