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its the first time since you were 7 you are sleeping on your own.

even though the size of the room is pretty normal, it felt big and empty... cold... harsh... silent.

marrisa has slept in the same room with you for years and now... theres nothing... noone... its dark and silent.

you lay in bed, staring at the cieling in the dark. you did notice the smoke alarm on your cieling so... no in room smoking for you. have to get up and out the balconey.

this silence is defening... its scary and big. you havent heard much silence, if its for the drug induced sounds or marrisa yelling at you.

now, in this silence, you hear your thoughts... you hear your brain and your voices, you hear your memories and think about them so much.

you tried calling up marrisa, but she isnt picking up... how unusual... its just 1am... and marrisa always picks up your calls.

then ill go on a walk.

your legs carried you out so quickly out to the balconey, like you didnt even have a second thought to this decision.

on your way there, you passed the tea set that you were just gifted from aizawa.

is he asleep? hes probably asleep... i shouldnt text him... 

you sigh and continue to your balconey, open up the door and stand there in your pajamas, looking down.

seeing a part of the dorm area thats connected to a forest, you decide to go over there and swing yourself over the fence into the forest, swinging the trees until you land in the city downtown.

people are walking around, lights are flashing, yelling, music, drinks and smoking, its almost blinding... but welcoming.

you start walking around, looking around like its a museum and thinking.

everything looks so weird sober... and bored. im so bored.

drunk girls pass by you, swaying and paughing, until one of them grabs onto your shoulder and doubles over, immediatly throwing up on the ground behind you.

"oh" the sound left your mouth without any thought, and you turn around to grab the girls long black hair up into a pony tail, your hand on her forehead as she pukes.

her friends immediatly run over on their high heels and crouch down beside her, talking to her and trying to relax her, one of them immediatly pulls out a water bottle and gives to her.

what good friends, walking around with water and helping their friend... like marissa... i bet shouta would do that too...

when the girl stops puking, she stands up and immeidatly starts crying, and hugs you tightly, murmuring in your ear thank yous.

one of her friends, blond hair and... big red eyes, comes infront of you while the others try to pull her off of you.

"thank you for helping her... youre so great!" the blond says.

"yeah, its... its no problem" you smile at her a tight lip smile, and go to continue walking.

"hey!" you turn around quickly at the yell, and see all the girls calling you over. the one that puked jogs over to you and smiles.

"come with us! we have a karaoke room right here!" she says.

"oh, i dont know if i should..." you try pulling away, looking around, suddenly feeling trapped in this weird situation.

"oh come on, its gonna be fun!" she yells, and in seconds, you are dragged behind her into a karaoke room with the other girls.

theyre clearly all drunk and high, theyre yelling and dancing and they keep drinking, all the while you sit on the sofa and look at them.

the addict and the hero (aizawa x reader)(bnha x reader)Where stories live. Discover now