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the next morning, you wake up when you hear knocking on your door and the door starting to open.

you open your eyes slowly, and the first thing you see with your blurry eyes are your shoes, on your feet, in bed. you quickly pull the covers over you all the way up to your chin.

"why is it like this every morning {Y/N}?" todoroki says as he enters the room, leaning on the wall as he sees you moving in bed.

"im awake candy-cane" you yawn, rolling around, "but you better leave the room, im naked" you add.

his face reddens a bit, but he turns to the door, "i didnt know girls also sleep naked..." you hear before the door closes behind him and clicks.

when he out, you sit up and take a deep breath, pulling back your hair.

fuck, i did it. i smoked weed and nothing bad happened. i have cured myself and i can have fun again sometimes.

with a smile, you wash your face and leave the room, since you slept already dressed.

you arrive downstairs to find your whole class standing infront of aizawa and some other man with a camera, which you have never seen before.

"i just want you all to act normal while im in your background" the man says, smilinh widely with his eyes squeented.

you walk towards them and stand in the back, crossing your arms and looking forward at the weird man.

quickly, your eyes left him and moved over a bit, when you felt eyes on you.

your smile quickly returned to your face. aizawa gave you a small chaste smile and when he dismissed everyone to go to breakfast, he motioned you to come with him.

you follow after aizawa to the stairs, scared that he knows something, keeping your eyes down.

finally, you stand infront of him and give him a tiny look.

"howd you sleep {Y/N}?" he asks, and his face breaks into a soft gentle smile.

"good, i slept very deep" you smile back, looking around his whole face. hes calm, relaxed. his expression makes you feel the same.

"im glad. anyways, this is mr tokuda, hes a journalist, he says he wants to write about the dorms..." aizawa says lowly, looking around the corner to see him taking pictures of everyone eating.

"yeah, i believe that" you break a small smile, smirking. aizawa snaps his head back to you.

"exactly. be careful, okay? if anything happens, tell me?" he asks, putting his hand on your shoulder.

"of course i will, shouta" you whisoer lowly, looking up at him with a tiny smile.

fuck she looks so cute, so smart, i want to kiss her again right here.

"good girl" are the words he decide to finish the conversation with, petting your hair before he leaves the building quickly, not yet seeing the horrible blush taking over your face.

you join your friends to breakfast, sitting beside todoroki and drinking your tea, since you didnt feel very hungry, just thirsty and still feeling the dizziness of the night before.


you continue your day as usual, besides the feeling that someone is always on your back, taking pictures, listening in.

when lunch break arrives, you sit at a table with a plateful of a green salad, since you didnt feel like eating anything heavier. you started poking at your greens and leaning your head on your hand, putting your hair infront of your face, scared that the weirdo is taking pictures.

the addict and the hero (aizawa x reader)(bnha x reader)Where stories live. Discover now