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you finally land down, and are teared away from the grip hold you had on shouta.

laying on the floor and groaning from the hit in your back, and the landing on your bad arm.

shouta pulls you up to your feet by your arm, and again you are standing, watching as the walls change and dirt just pours into the room.

finally, you could hear a scream, deku seemed to hear it first and kicked the wall so hard, it revealed finally the villain that distorted the walls.

shouta immediatly uses his quirk and stops the walls from moving, just as sir nighteye throws something at him, making him fall unconcious.

you sigh and lean down, panting.

"looks like this part is done" you let out in a pant, and stand up straight again, stretching your back.

"we need to keep going" sir nighteye says, looking around, "i know what direction eris room is in. we need to keep moving" he says.

sir nighteye starts running ahead first, you and midoriya right on his heels.

i hurt shouta.

your mind races again, and your head starts to hurt.

midoriya breaks a wall ahead, and as he does so, you are met with the sigh of togata fighting with chisaki.

the first thing you do is run ahead to eri and togata, immediatly crashing into eri and hugging her to your body, rolling away and running with her in your hands towards a wall.

"youre okay eri, youre fine. we are here to save you" you mutter in her ear as you sit her down, covered in togatas cape.

sir nighteye is close behind, bringing over togata and sitting him down by the wall.

"they both seem fine, enough to live out of this" sir says quickly, as you look at them both.

eri seems as usual, silent tears falling from her eyes.

togata is silent, hes hurting, his bidy is damaged badly.

you suddenly hear a loud noise from behind you, and turn around to see that chisaki is somehow turned into a giant with huge arms.

your heart stops beating when you cant see shouta.

"w-where is ereaser?" you stutter out to sir.

"i dont know, but im sure hes fine. go help midoriya, now!" he screams at you.

you give eri one last look, and look at togata again, then another one to sir.

i cant let them down.

you run ahead and see that chisaki is already in a deep fight with midoriya.

you use your quirk to attach to his arm and swing him to the side, but you can only move him so much with his insane weight with those arms, the string breaks off.

sir nighteye runs over and yells at midoriya to go to togata and eri.

he yells the same at you, but you cant do much, since chisaki is right after you, hes swinging his arms and throwing spikes at you from the ground, you are using any type of power you had left to swing yourself around and away, trying to get away from him.

if i can only get to a higher point so i could grab both his arms...

you move away again, and notice that sir nighteye is throwing his paperweights at chisaki, distracting him.

you start climbing up one of the taller spikes to be able to move better, but your body hurts.

you keep going.

the addict and the hero (aizawa x reader)(bnha x reader)Where stories live. Discover now