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you sit through your classes, but your mind is not in its right place.

your legs are restless, and your head is full of running thoughts, most of them about eri.

the thought of her, with him, seems to plague you. the way she shook, the way she whispered for help, and the grip she had on your hand. it haunted you.

you would loose yourself in classes, eat silently, head down, and you thought about her eyes every night and day.

and then you finally remembered hoe you know him.

he was at girans house a lot, when you marched in there with cash in your hands, buying drugs infront of anyone who was in the room.

you are pretty sure you even talked to him while shooting, even though your eyes may have been blurry.

he knows too much of you.

this day, after classes, you find yourself sitting in your dorm, staring down at your phone without really looking at it, just thinking of eri, her fregile hands and her sad teary eyes.

shes not well, and every moment you arent helping, it keeps on going.

he may be beating her, molesting her, isolating her, hurting her. and im sitting here, doing nothing.

but you trust sir nighteye too much at this point to intervine yourself. you understand that if you go to look for him yourself, youll put everything hes planning in danger, and may ruin everything.

after all these thoughts, you sigh and rub your eyes.

i cant keep thinking of this.

when you walk outside your balconey, you see that all the street lights on, the silence of the night.

it takes seconds before you jump from the balconey and start swinging your way in the trees outside of school campus, until you are downtown again.

you start walking around until your feet lead you into a local bar you knew well.

entering through the door and into the humid air of the bar, you sit before the bartender and smile at him before ordering a cocktail and 4 shots, all for yourself.

you start with the cocktail, sipping it and looking around.

there are people sitting around, some singing, drinking, laughing, all having fun. you sigh and look back down to your red coloured drink.

"you aint drinking alone are you?" the bartender asks with a smirk.

"oh" you chuckle, "no, im waiting for a friend" you add, smiling down again.

"so you pre gaming your friend?" he asks in a laugh, and laughs even harder when you confirm.

"well, how bout we start together?" he offers, pours himself a shot, and lifts it up.

"what we drinking for?" he asks as you lift your own shot.

you look around and then give a small sigh and a smile, "how about, fuck parents?" you offer.

"well shit, yeah, fuck parents" he chuckles, clinks his shot with you, and you both down your drinks.

"so, who is your friend?" he asks.

"oh hes..." who? "hes a friend of mine from... work. we work together" you say quickly.

"what he look like?" he asks as he shakes the shaker from his shoulder, still looking at you.

"he has dark hair and... really well built, and the most gentle eyes" you quickly say, smiling to yourself.

"sounds special" the bartender smiles.

the addict and the hero (aizawa x reader)(bnha x reader)Where stories live. Discover now