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when you wake up the next morning, in marissas bed under her arm and three tons of blankets, you feel... good. you take a deep breath and look out the window, at the sun warming up the street and the blue skies.

it is time for a change. i am going to change.

taking a deep breath, you let it out of your mouth with a big grin growing on your face.

"good morning marissa!" you yell, raising your arms and rolling over on her, crashing the bigger girl under your body, "good morning!" you yell again, now much closer to her face.

she groans, her eyes snapping open and she flinches, almost jumping out, except she couldnt, because a boney body with weird injuries was on top of her, yelling.

"what the fuck do you want from me-" "morning marissa, its morning! the sun!" you call, by now holding her cheeks and yelling, "the sun is shining through, and its our turn to make it a good day! get up!" you are practically screaming in her face, and the poor woman is still not really awake.

"fuck" she groans, and with a push of her two hands on your shoulders, she pushs you off the bed and straight onto the wooden floors with a thud.

"why are you yelling, you stupid onion?!" she yawned out, rubbing sleep from her eyes.

with a small giggle, you push yourself off the floor and jump to your feet, hands on your hips and the biggest smile you could find in your body,

"because its a morning of a new day!" you call, punch the air, and as you go for the door, you slap marissas stomach so hard the clap was heard in san diego.

"breakfast!" you yell as you practically jump down the stairs to the sound of marissas groans and moans of pain.

"good morning!" not only is marissa not surprised much by your behaviour, so are the rest of the girls. they watch with sleepy eyes as you dance inside the common hall, a wide smile flashing a few silver and golden false teeth in your mouth.

everyone rolls their eyes as they watch you hug some poor girl, messing up her hair and mummbling something about a good day.

it happened every once in a while, when you decided to go on a cleanse. usualy, the cleanses meant some time off drugs, because when you take them after a cleanse...

"but this time, oh girls," you giggled as you piled food on your plate, "im going off forever! forever i tell you! clean as a whistle!" you crash down in one of ths seats, and start to eat the food you took.

"calm down nugget, it will be better if you stay calm. it will be easier" marissa says as she finally enters the room, sitting herself infront of you with a normal amount of food on her plate, and a cup of tea.

"i am calm babes, and i cant be better! cant be better, im telling you! im just excited to be alive!" you grab her cup of tea, dawn it, and slap it back on the table.

you get up with a yell of "whoa!" and dance back upstairs to change into your uniform.

"from now on..." you mummble as you begin trials of tie the tie, "i am a grade A hero!" you encourage yourself, even though your tie is all messed up.

you grab your bag and return downstairs, standing at the entrence of the dining hall and call, "this is a big day!" you announce.

"wait!" marissa yells all of a sudden, "sit down and wait for me to finish" she snaps her fingers and points at the sit beside her, and with a smile, you sit down and continue to blabber on and on.


marissa is sitting in the train, her arms folded and a cold look on her face. shes visibly anmoyed, anyone on the train could tell.

the addict and the hero (aizawa x reader)(bnha x reader)Where stories live. Discover now