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"wake up {Y/N}!" your door is locked, so todoroki cant come in and wake you up, so he stands outside and knocks on your door, banging it.

"come on!" he yells, going harder on the door now.

"what are you doing?" jiro asks as she exits her room and sees todoroki by your door.

"trying to wake {Y/N} up" he explains as he knocks again.

finally you open the door, standing before him.

"whoa" he sighs out, looking you up and down, "you look wrecked" he says.

"yeah, i couldnt sleep" you lie, rubbing your eyes. your hair is crazy and your eyes seem red, and your skin seems red on your face.

"are you okay? are you sure you can preform today?" he asks.

"preform? today?" you ask confused as you move back to your room and he walks in after you.

your room smells like cigarettes.

"we are literally talking about this for like a month. you are on the support team, you need to control aoyama as he goes around the gym" he says.

you forgot that this is your role the second that this was told to you.

"yeah, sure i can" you say.

"you seem irritated" he comments.

"because i barely slept all night and i dont feel well, okay? leave me alone. leave, im going to the shower" you banish him from your room and lock the door again, and go to shower.

you stand there and wash your hair and body, hands still shaking.

you really are irritated, angry.

you are not sure why and at what, but what does it matter? you are just angry.

when you exit the shower you look around and decide that if you want this to somehow pass, you need more. you have to have more.

after an hour ill be absolutly fine, i have no reason to worry, after an hour from now, ill be just ready for the stupid festival.

when you leave the shower you change quickly into the festivals clothes, that you dont even remember taking, and sit at the table.

you open your phone and see a message from shouta.

last night he sent a good night, and that theres no need for thanks, but you need to even check what you sent, since you forgot.

fuck this is so clear. he must know im doing something stupid.

he sent another message in the morning where he says, "good morning, cant wait to see you today"

you sigh and send todoroki a message, saying that you will come straight to the festival in an hour, since you need to shower.

you put away the phone and look for the bag in your coat, and find that it is empty.

did i take more yesterday?

with a sigh, you guess that you did and you pull out of your closet what is left from the bottle of vodka and pull out the pill bottles.

you dawn a whole bottle down, washing it with the vodka, and sit in your bed.

you grab your head in your hands and sigh, and your eyes fill up with tears.

i dont even know what im feeling.

but then you remember.

you go to your bag and pull out the tiny bag that giran gifted you.

this is a party drug.

the addict and the hero (aizawa x reader)(bnha x reader)Where stories live. Discover now