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shouta made sure to wake up before you in the morning, he didnt want you to know that he cuddled you all the night through.

he woke up and saw your face before his, soft features, eyes closed with your pretty lips slightly open. 

he doesnt mind, and he actually slept great this night, with your warm body by his.

he kissed your forehead and went to make coffee, in the great feeling he had.

still confused about the fact that the both of you were called to sir nighteyes office, but he doesnt mind.

after the coffee is made, he pulls out a few cookies and walks back to the bedroom.

"good morning {Y/N}, you need to wake up" he says, looking at you from above.

you open your eyes and look around silently. your head is calm, silent.

im in shoutas bed again. i havent slept here yet without being intoxicated. i drank last night and masked so well being here... maybe i can keep doing that.

you sit up in bed and rub your eyes, ruffle your hair around.

"good morning shouta" you say grodgily, looking up at him and his warm, welcoming smile.

its nice seeing him like this in the morning, and not in school, when you are both crusty and tired from the night. you slept so well.

"come, i made coffee" he says, and takes your hand, leading you to the living room, and onto the sofa, as he serves the coffee and cookies.

"howd you sleep?" he asks as he sinks into he sofa beside you, gulping down his coffee.

"great. i havent slept this well in a while" you whisper in your morning voice.

"i did as well" he smiles gently down into his cup.

you look different when you just wake up, not yet angry and irritated from school, calm, still sleepy.

you smile and stretch your back up and to the sides, and yawn.

you can definatly feel some of your alcohol from last night in your limbs.

"well, we need to leave in about 10, 15 minutes, to make the train, alright?" he asks.

you dawn the rest of your coffee and nod, and excuse yourself to the bathroom.

as you sit down on the toilet, you run your hands on your face.

he thinks im clean, but im not. i drank less than 10 hours ago. 

while washing your hands and face, you look in the mirror, and in it, you see eri.

her horrified look that haunts you.

her fregile little body, begging for help.

i hope nighteye has a plan.

you come back, and walk into the bedroom to take your clothes, but as you open the door to the bedroom which you slept in, you are met with your teacher changing his shirt, still in his boxers.

you slam the door shut in seconds, and yell from outside 'sorry', your face turning red as the figure of his shoulders, chest, and legs is slowly burning into your mind and eyes, ready to pop up almost every second you see him.

you remember the camp, when you accidently were in the same hot spring, both naked.

you stand outside for a few minutes, cursing, blushing, thinking about what your eyes saw and his lean but strong mouscles.

the addict and the hero (aizawa x reader)(bnha x reader)Where stories live. Discover now