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you sat in your room and held the bag in your hands, playing with it.

your mind was everywhere and around, thinking of what happened, of sir nighteye and how you cant remember half of the operation, about eri and her trying to smile, and think of shouta talking to you so gently, caring for you, and you causing him to get stabbed.

but then you looked back to the bag and smiled.

just for one night, i can forget and have fun.

everything is changing.

just a few months back you were deep in your use, but your circumstamces were different.

you were in a dark room, living with 20 more girls, depressed, sad, hurting.

now its gonna be just happy smiles.

its just you, in your own personal room, decorated to your taste, and a good situation.

it doesnt matter i have partial amnesia, im involved with a teacher and cant stop feeling this existantial dread lately.

when its 8pm, you finally hide the untouched bag and leave downstairs to dinner.

your mind was kind of blank, and you wore a smile as you sat down beside todoroki.

you started eating whatever was in your plate silently, as you looked around and listened to what your classmates were saying, talking about a school festival.

"what do you wanna do for the festival?" finally iida asks you, giving you a little smile.

"oh, um..." you look around and sigh with a tiny smile, "i dont know, i dont really care" you shrug your shoulders.

"but she is against the maid cafe, by the way" jiro says, nodding at you.

"oh, yes, definatly. but i guess if the guys will be the maids i can go for it" you give a little laugh and keep eating.

"what are you interested in?" iida asks, trying to get any idea out of you.

"oh well i guess..." drugs. "nothing much, i dont know, really" you laugh again, this time your cheeks are going red.

these drugs ate me up so much i dont even have hobbies besides tea.

"well, im sure we'll find something that youd like too" he says, and finally stops questioning you.

you go back to eating and listening, but your mind was buzzing.

just a but more, just for some good feeling.

you started getting antsy, looking around and trying to see if someones gonna leave first and make it acceptable to go upstairs.

luckily, bakugo stands up quickly.

you stand up immediatly after him and put away your plate.

"wait, im also going upstairs" you stop him as he walks to the lift.

"early night {Y/N}?" todoroki asks, quirking a brow.

"eh, yeah. still a bit tired from everything, you know" you quickly say and jump into the lift beside bakugo. the doors close before you.

"going to sleep?" he asks with a grunt.

"just gonna lay in bed for 5 hours because i cant fall asleep. you?" you ask back.

"same" he sighs as the doors open and he leaves.

you go up one more floor, and finally exit, going straight to the end to get to your room.

the addict and the hero (aizawa x reader)(bnha x reader)Where stories live. Discover now