5. The Line Where The Sky Met The Sea (Edited POV)

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Father, I and several nurses surrounded the bed on which Damini Ma was resting. She had gained consciousness but didn't seem to recall what had happened or what visions she had that evening. Thunder rumbled in the dark velvet night sky and windstorms were growling louder as if threatening to unleash their fury upon everything that came into their contact.

Then it started pouring heavily.

Even though I was inside, I felt icy chills run through me as the events of the unfortunate evening clouded my mind like the dark grey clouds that were floating in the sky, flowing like a very dark liquid river. Damini Ma's words echoed in my mind as I stared at her figure lying silently on the hospital bed.

"So you don't remember a thing ? How can it be ? You always remembered the visions you had.. what if Shivanya didn't show up at your house ? We could've had death breathing down our necks without us being aware of it." Father said once the three nurses left the room. His voice was cold and stern but it was also soft in ways.

"I know ! I know King Kedar but I don't think this time was anything like before. Never had a vision gave me a panic attack and got washed away from my memories."

"Shivanya told me you were saying something about death and inevitable doom.... That means there is no way we can stop whatever it is that is lurking out there in the shadows." Shadows. A certain face popped up in my mind. Rudraksh.

No. This is not the time to think about him.

"No. And that's why I'm saying this, for the goodwill of our clan, that Princess Shivanya and other heirs should leave the town or better... the country. They must go far far away." Damini Ma seemed to be fine but on the inside the terrifying witch herself was terrified. I could see right through her.

There was a distant fear in her voice but she chose to hide it with a determined decision to look into the matter. I wanted to know what it was, how powerful it was that shook the witch's existence.

"What ? Dami Ma ? What are you talking about ?! I can't leav--"

"I was thinking the same. Shivanya, Damini is right. You need to leave the country." My voice was cut off mid-sentence by my father.

"But papa ! How can you ? I can't jus--"

"At least for some time Shivanya but you must leave. We don't know what kind of danger we have above our heads. I lost your mother, I cannot even bear the thought of losing you my child."

"What if you need me papa ? What if something really happens ?! No. I need to be here !"

"Mahakal will always be there for us Shivanya. Never forget that. And even something were to happen... I will accept it as the best of his judgements. But if it comes to you I will even fight him."

"Papa..." Tears were rolling down my cheeks and through my blurry vision I could see the pain in his face.

Unbearable pain and fear but he didn't let it show. He was the King and it was his duty to keep everything together. Now how could he have done that if he himself broke down ?

His face was stern now, devoid of any emotion, any expression. Even my tears didn't seem to effect him and at that moment I knew I couldn't make him let me stay. The tears that once made him torture people, now seemed to be nothing.

"I shall have arrangements made at the port for your departure." With that, he left.


After fifteen days of travelling in those infernal carriages, we were finally there.

It took us fifteen days to cover the distance between Kashmir and Kutch and finally we were in Mandvi. The City Port was where my father had his fleet of ships that sailed across the Karibbean Sea to the Gritaan Empire, Savitaar Islands and Valaska for trade.

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