12 - Naga Attacks And Sails Back To India ( Edited POV )

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It was late that night when I arrived at the mini mansion. Vikram had dropped me before leaving for home and made my way to the kitchen to grab  a cup of herbal tea. I walked the hallway with my mind replaying that night's events and yet again, my restless mind was taking me in two different directions at once. For one, I was happy and was considering to go to the carnival next week too but on the other, I could not stop thinking about the hooded figure.

Was it a coincidence ? Or was something really wrong for the last time I saw the figure, I had caught it facing me and that night... It managed to get that close to me. Who was that man ? Was he following me ? What did he want ? Why couldn't Vikram Kollins see him ? Singing, I entered the living room and flinched.

The lights were dimmed and someone was sitting on the sofa.

"Who's there ?" I asked and the man immediately turned.

Akshat Kedar.

"Brother ? What are you doing here so late ?" I walked over to him and took a seat.

"I was waiting for you little sister. What took you so long ?"

"Oh there was this carnival in a small town about two hours from here. Vikram Kollins suggested we go there and I lost track of time. I'm sorry brother but look... I got souvenirs." When I reached for my purse, he spoke,

"Shivanya ?"

"Yes Brother ?"

"There is something you need to know." He said and that's when I saw the expression on his face. He looked like he was worried, angry and terrified at the same time. I let go of my purse, "What is it, brother ?"

"A letter arrived this evening from King Kedar." My heart almost stopped.

"Please... Brother... Tell me everything is fine..." My eyes teared up and Akshat looked away.

"Everything is but..."

"But what ?"

"You should see for yoursel--"

"Shivanya ? Brother ? What are you doing up so late ? Is something the matter ?" Rashmi stood at the doorway, rubbing her eye. Then she made her way to us and took a seat.

"Shivanya ? Why are you crying ?! Brother ? What's wrong ?" I remained quiet.

"Princess Rashmi ? You must not worry yourself. You should slee--"

"No ! Please brother.. let me stay. I want to know what is happening ? Is everything all right ?"

"Okay Princess, I will tell you but for now why don't you go and get some herbal tea for Princess Shivanya ?"

"Sure I will but don't count me out of details."

"I will not." Rashmi walked out of the room and brother Akshat offered the letter to me and with shaking fingers, I took it.

It read,

Dear Shivanya,

I'm happy to inform you that everyone here, including me are safe and in best of health. I hope you all are too. Everything is stable in Somm but there have been one incident for which I'm obliged to write this letter. If I hadn't promised you to write about everything that has happened, I would've never written it. There had been two Naga attacks in past two months. But they have been dealt with and everything is under control. Now now, you must not be worried, my dear daughter. I know you might be out of your mind and crying reading this but I assure you that everything is fine and you should not stress. I want you fit and fine and happy when you return for Mahashivratri. Or else Mahadev will never forgive me for hurting his favourite child.

Father loves you and misses you everyday.

Take care my child,

King Kedar.

Two Naga attacks in two months.

So this was the dark fate Damini was talking about and if that was true then... We must brace ourselves for the inevitable doom... Blood ! Death ! It's there... Hiding behind the dark clouds of our fate.

Maybe the hooded figure was one of them who followed me...

"Shivanya ? Shivanya !" The sharp voice of Akshat hauled me from the dazed state and I realised he was shaking me.

"Are you okay ?" He asked and quickly retrieved a glass of water, "Here" I took the glass but didn't drink.

"Lady Shivanya ? Please don't go so hard on yourself. I know what you might be feeling but our warriors and commanders are cable of fighting off any enemy." That was true. They were trained fighting machines. Neelkanth Pack had a reputation for it's army, it's fighters. They were the most fierce and strongest of all, be it a swordsman or a sharpshooter, they were skilled par excellence and the defence system was one of the most strongest in the world. That was a relief but there still the haunting fact loomed over me like a demon about to devour me,

Such warriors, such defence system and still they managed two attacks....

"How ? I thought the Nagas were just a myth..."

"Nothing is a myth, My Lady. For humans, werewolves are a myth but we are real and so are those creatures."

"Nagas ?" Came Rashmi's voice from behind and I wiped my tears off with my dupatta. Rashmi placed the tray of tea cups on the table and took a seat beside me.

"Who are the Nagas, brother ?" She asked.

"The Nagas are shapeshifting serpents. They were Mahadev's trusted creatures a long time ago but slowly, with centuries gone by, their stranglehold over eternity, their immortality corrupted them to the core and they turned their backs to the divine. The population of Nagas are more than that of wolves but make no mistake they are by no means stronger. Not all of them are laced with sin driven destinies. Only the Northwestern clans possess more poison that stained their minds and branched their hearts."

At that moment, I hated myself. I hated myself more than I ever did. I hated myself for not being there, for not leaving for India earlier, for getting carried away by the wind of temporary happiness, for keeping myself before everything else that actually mattered, I hated myself for forgetting who I was. I was Shivanya Katyayani Kedar. I was a fighter, a warrior meant for my people, my country and not for evening strolls across the meadows of Venland with a man who half belonged to the nation that sucked my country's economy and doomed it's people to the fate of poverty, hunger, endless credit and death. Nothing more, nothing less.

I abruptly stood up.

"Get the ship ready, brother, we're sailing back to India."

"But Shivanya. The King's order—"

"Brother please, The ship. I want us in the waters in next three hours. Rashmi ? Wake everyone and pack your bags."

"Right away, Queen." Akshat said and left the room followed by a terrified Rashmi.

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