7. From The Ganges To The Qoorg - Ball Invitation. (Edited POV)

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The relief that surged through my weary body was beyond measure when our ship entered Qoorg Estuary. After an hour or so I witnessed the clear view of the blooming landscape of Venland. It was late November and autumn still had it's grip over various parts of the city. The trees were mostly deep orange and yellow, giving a picturesque look to the already gorgeous environment. I watched in utter bewilderment the huge buildings and gothic architecture. Though I had read a few things about the country in my history books, to see them in real was an experience of a lifetime.

Adrenaline rushed through me when I caught the glimpse of one of the most aesthetic attractions of Venland, The Qargin Statue. The three hundred feet statue was majestically built with two dragons perched on either side of a woman wearing a cloak around her figure and a crown resting on her head.

I gaped at it, awestruck. A statue dedicated to a woman. A powerful woman. It was like something I had never seen in my life. The architecture, the built, everything was just magnificent. Royal. I had seen many havelis, castles and mansions back in my India but that was something else.

The ship took a turn and soon entered Kanneri Docks through the drawbridge. There were many boats and ships getting moored and I could see the huge blocks of brown coloured buildings around.

"Isn't this amazing ?!"

"Oh how wonderful !"

"Everything is so big here !"

"Oh Lord Shiva ! So many ships ! Such huge buildings !"

"The statue was my favourite yet !"

"Yes we'll see it from near once we're off this miserable ship !"

"Hey ! Shut up you nincompoop ! It's because of this ship that we made it here safely !"

"You're right. Sorry."

"Do you think there are people like us here Shivanya ?" Surbhi asked. Her voice surprisingly low when compared to the over excited band of squealing cousins. That was the moment I looked away from the buildings and following Surbhi's eye, I looked over at the people. Some were dressed in fine clothes and some were wrapped in those red uniforms I hated.

"Like us ?"

"I mean... Like us."

"Oh. I don't know Surbhi. Maybe there are but they might be hiding themselves. Like we do."

"Hey, look officers ! Coming towards our ship ! Will they arrest us ? Oh my God ! No !" Rashmi panicked at the sight of three officers coming our way while the crew anchored the ship.

"Relax Rashmi. They are just coming to check the licence or permits or whatever it is that will ensure our stepping on these lands." Akshat and the five warriors marched towards the bow of the ship. He knew how to speak Gritaan language and so did several other men in our group. They were conversing with the Grit officers who looked comically small in front of the lean, rippled bodies of the warriors and my brothers.

The officers eyed us dressed in plain, simple, ghagra cholis and nodding their heads, they walked away.

"Shivanya ? Take everyone off the ship and wait for the carriages. They might arrive within ten minutes. The warriors will escort you." Akshat, once near the superstructure, said.

"And you brother ?"

"I'll make some arrangements for the luggage and will join you shortly." He eyed the cluster of bags filled with clothes that had been loaded by the crew members on the deck. There were around twenty five bags. Some small and some big.

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