33 - Twenty Hours ( Edited POV )

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Twenty hours ago

"How many applications do we have Rashmi ?" If Rudraksh Rana thought he'd keep me in the silks and warmth of home while he poured his blood and sweat down the battlefield, he was mistaken. It was dawn when I reached back home and was now sipping tea in my courtyard just like he wished. And I decided I hated it. I hated that safety. I hated that comfort. I hated his absence. I hated the air I breathed that lacked his scent. I hated the feeling of him not breathing down my neck and whispering sweet promises in my ear every second of the day.

Rashmi looked up from the paper work, her eyes flickering. "Over a thousand. It's crazy. They just keep coming."

"All Wolves ?"

"Ninety percent of them."

"Call them. Run mindlinks, send words, do whatever but I want them all gathered at the training grounds tonight. And yes ? Send for brother Akshat."

"Right away, Queen." And she was up and gone. She knew not to ask questions. She knew me. And that's why she was my lady. I trusted her the most. The only person apart from Rudraksh, Krishna, Shikara, Akshat and General Randhir.

Then I made my way to Kaatil's dungeon. He was as good as dead. I smirked when he lifted his bloodied, battered head to regard me with hatred.

"Do you want to earn your freedom ?"

One second.



"I'll do anything."

I dusted my hands, "Let's get down to business then, shall we ?"


One thing I noticed apart from the apparent war was the numbers. Karim Shah did not hold back with the expense of Soldiers to retrieve one woman for him. And to take over her Kingdom. I found out that Karim wanted me and my Kashmir. How could I hold back after hearing that ? The women were at the training grounds as ordered. Once I told them what I wanted, why I did, they were more than happy to oblige and left to prepare themselves. I took brother Akshat with me along with two units of soldiers and set out right away.

By the time we reached the side of the battlefield far away from Rudraksh, it was already dawn and the battle was fresh. The war drums were still echoing and the war cries still bellowing. All around me was death dancing in the earnest and the god of that peace seemed to be looming over the warzone like rain clouds. I inhaled the scent deeply, my bones hummed in response. The tension was already building.

I still had time till my gift for Karim arrived, I still had time till my messenger came back with our battalion's exact location, so I decided to play. It was the intention from the beginning. My hands were itching for blood and death. I looked at the battle unraveling before me. Rudraksh could've easily beaten those odds in a day if he'd taken all of his army but most were scattered and couldn't make it in such short notice. Besides, I knew for a fact he didn't go prepared for this level of battle. Our best guess were eight thousand soldiers. There were more than twenty thousand. Suddenly I wasn't feeling so guilty about my plan. I had a bloodthirst of my own to quench. An appetite to sate. The relentless bloodlust spiralled like an itch beneath my skin. It needed soothing. My wolf danced across my being.

I wouldn't back down and sit in the comforts of home while my husband and his people poured down their blood. It wasn't home without him. The people I didn't even know. And I knew it won't be fair to those people what I was going to do. It was a death trap I was setting. One I could potentially trap myself in but I'd be damned if I didn't go for it. I would raze the foundation of the Sultan's bloodstained reign. I won't stop til I flowed blood down my throat or down his.

"Please proceed, Queen. I'll make sure no demon attacks from behind." Nodding, I galloped forward, severing human heads with both of my swords. I had my face covered and I was dressed to appear as a man. Akshat behind me kept his word for he and his unit, our pack of warriors, slayed whoever dared to look in my direction.

Blood fell on my body and face when I drove my weapons through bodies. It didn't disgust me. If anything I was excited and fuelled by that strong energy that coursed through me. I was laughing, enjoying spilling human blood, feeling proud of myself for contributing to the bloodshed my husband desired.

Akshat's men formed a protective circle around me and behind me they'd formed a linear barrier. Akshat was now beside me, driving his custom swords that were like ribbons of metal through masses of delicate flesh and bones.

"How long do you wish to fight, My Queen ?" I drove the sword right through a man's throat. His blood sprayed on my face and I held back my head and laughed.

"Until I quench the thirst." Puny, pathetic humans. How ridiculous is it to think you're invincible with a sword in hand. They had no awareness of how breakable their bones were, how delicate and addicting their flesh was to cut and how soothing the stench of their blood was.

"On your right, Princess !" I wouldn't let any of the filth Karim sent touch me. Only their blood. I wanted their blood. I wasn't fighting to win. I was fighting to satisfy my howling beast.

Kashi was finally about to play in an actual playground.

Go Kashi. Play.

The energy in me only intensified and I charged forward, slaying whatever force that came in my way. I moved like a storm, enraged and merciless. I cut through bodies and bodies of soldiers dressed in white and green who came at me, be it one at a time or eight. We lost warriors. Our small units were reduced down to half and I could see how it affected Akshat. He cared too much about our warriors. I did too. But I had no time to think about anything else.

It continued til dusk engulfed the battlefield. The war paused til dawn in accordance with the law but I kept moving forward. My goal was the crown of the camps. My target was the Ruler. His camp was roughly a day from there according to the messenger.

I laughed. I let out a lazy hearty laugh when the messenger wolf came running and informed me that all the female warriors, Kaatil and a pack of our warrior guards had slipped past these camps and were just a mile behind me. He handed me a bag of clothes and a glass container that held a clear liquid.

I slipped into the shadows and emerged dressed as a captive. The clear, fragrant, liquid now covering my cheeks, neck, chest, arms, forehead and ears. It was a big risk I was taking. One that would kill me. But I'd be damned if I go into that Viper's den without it. I had to fight venom with venom.

"Move." Akshat pushed Kaatil forward with enough force to make him fall.

"Easy, Brother. We're his captives for the night." I laughed again, drunk on bloodlust, drunk on the stench of copper that lingered in the sleeping battlefield.

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