27 - Chillum And Matters Of Heart ( Edited POV )

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He stepped out and simply walked towards the closet like it was nothing. Like he was not almost naked with only a deep red towel wrapped loosely around his waist. In that mere second as he walked past me, I caught the slabs of muscles on the front and side of his body. They were not too much, they were perfect and smooth and kissable and... Get a grip !


I turned to the mirror, thinking how the water droplets descended down his back only to come face to face with his reflection. He had turned now. He was standing far behind me, dressing himself up with a wicked smile playing on his full lips.

He was teasing me. That impudent wolf !

Although he had his shirt on, his muscles still peaked as he buttoned it up. When he proceeded to take his pants that he laid on the bed I, in rather hurry, busied myself with the jewellery. After that I didn't look up. I got done with everything and in an instant he was beside me. He took the golden sindoor box from the dressing table.

Without a word, I rose from my seat and he applied the Sindoor across the middle parting line of my hair. The wild strands framing my face swayed by the wind. When he proceeded to tuck them behind my ear, I moved to pick up the vermilion box and that did his tilak.


I walked out of my chambers with my heart broken to pieces all over again. My head pounded painfully and I desperately wanted peace and calm. The haveli was swarming with guests, the courtyard was full of them, the terrace was full of them, the lawn... even the training grounds were busy. I kept walking until I reached the backyard. Ancient was one word to describe it. An ancient Banyan tree, ancient cot, ancient dried up pond, old wooden chairs here and there, patches of grass covering the ground, the brick walls covered in dirt and a crow crowded tree.

One thing was different. Someone actually had enough time to spare it there or was tired just like me. It was Krishna. He was sitting on one of the chairs facing the tree. A chillum was in his hands.

"Brother ?" I called. A cloud of smoke appeared before he turned.

"Looking for peace, Your Majesty ?" He bowed and received a slap on the back of his head.


"I told you to stop doing that uncountable times." I shrugged and pulled a chair.

"You are my Alpha, My Queen. I can't help it." He settled back on his chair and took another puff of marijuana before setting his chillum on the edge of the cot.

"But I am your sister too."

Setting sun kissed my cheeks goodbye and the pink sky looked like a parting gift. I bought my knees to my chest and adjusted myself in the chair. Then I smiled at him and looked away. Was my worry evident on my face ? Was my pain evident ? I didn't know. Rudraksh read me like a poem. Was it only him or everyone else could do that ?

"Now tell me sister. What is it ?"

"What ?"

"You two had a fight again ?" It was then I looked back at him and found him giving me a sad smile. There was something changed about his face. That warrior had a glow and that wasn't because of the pink and lilac hues of the setting sun. It was something different. Something euphoric mixed with sadness that his smile conveyed.

"Is it that obvious ?"

"Not to everyone. I am your brother. I know you just like I know myself. So tell me what happened." He insisted and I drew a deep breath.

"Nothing much. Our worlds are as much different as they're same. We both have points but all they do is clash." My voice was distant.

"I get it. Also Rajini is my mate so I. Get. It." I almost slapped him. Or rather myself for my brother found a mate and I didn't know. What in the world had I been doing with myself ? With everything around me ? I didn't know what has been happening in my home... How would I rule an entire Kingdom ? First... The arrest of Vikram and then this ?

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