6. Terrifying Tales Of Toe Eating Daayans (Edited POV)

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A week had passed and the huge ship kept sailing into the glinting azure ocean at a steady pace as if to chase and devour the very setting sun that illuminated a quivering multicoloured path for us every evening.

"How long will it take to reach Venland, brother ?" I asked my cousin who stood on the forecastle deck, Soaking in the setting sun and gazing at the endless waters in front of him as if challenging them in ways.

Akshat Kedar was a warrior. He was always silent and closed off with always a cold expression on his face. Tucking long black locks behind my ears, I drew in a sharp breath. Many times I tried to know what had happened that made him this way but in vain.

I had suggested we go to Valaska instead but my father insisted we go somewhere further than that. I wasn't affected by the fact that we were taking a risky and dangerous voyage to the country whose people have been tormenting my country for more than a century now. To Venland. To the Gritaan Empire. In fact, I was pleased. I always wanted to go there, to step on their lands and to see what it was that made them so cruel. An evil grin appeared on my face as I thought was If they can enter my country without permission, then why can't I ?

And it wasn't the fault of the entire country right ?

"Considering how the weather is in our favour, it shall not take more than two weeks, little sister Shivanya."

"Will we stop anywhere for rest ?" I asked hesitantly.

"According to the captain, within two days we'll be entering the Kismat Canal which will take around twenty hours to cross and within a day we'll reach The Port Of Warsales. We can stop there if you wish it."

I was shocked at how softly he spoke to me. My eyes remained fastened at the deep multicoloured hues of the half-sunk winter sun that painted the ocean into the beautiful shades of blue, purple, pink and deep red. It looked like as if the white clouds were a canvas and a skilled artist was painting his dream work.

"Do you think brother Mayank will come back with us ?"

"I don't think so. That brat has long forgotten his country." Mayank was my oldest brother who had gone to Venland for higher studies seven years ago.

A Gritaan man of same age had convinced him to leave and offered him a place in their ship. Since then few of the family members started disliking his manner for instead of coming back after the studies, he sold the gold he took along with him and purchased a house there. And never, for once, had returned. But there was one thing, he never stopped writing letters.

"I miss him sometimes. Don't you, big brother ?" Akshat's face was even colder now and I instantly regretted asking him that.

"I don't."

"Hey ! What are you two doing over there ?!" Surbhi, my tolerable cousin, and younger brother Krishna were standing near the superstructure, Looking over at us. Confusion was clearly visible on their faces, they knew. Akshat never talked to anyone.

"Just watching the sunset." I replied and Akshat ignored them as if they were not more than the noisy seagulls that flew by.

"All right ! But come back over here ! Sarada seems to be sick."

We walked towards where Sarada was.

"Blurrrgh arrgh !" Sarada delivered another round of puke into the ocean where a small school of fish had gathered to feast on the half digested food.

"Eww." I scrunched up my nose.

Surbhi was holding Sarada who clutched the railing tightly with both her hands. "Easy Sarada, easy. It's just a little sea sickness. You will be perfectly fine."

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