40 - The Sacrifice ( Edited POV )

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My eyes turned golden.

Without turning, Nagraj hissed, "Puppy tricks are not going to work on me Rudraksh Rani. Keep walking." There was a threat in his voice.

"I knew it... I knew you are not trust worthy. Haven't you seen all those wolves back there ? All I need to do is rip you apart myself or a simple little howl." I felt more and more serpents circle me.

When Nagraj turned, I saw a wicked smirk playing on his lips. He snarled at me, baring his fangs like a rabid dog and said, "Too bad you can't. Now follow me for you have no other choice."

When my canines emerged, he shook his head.

"And risk your town getting slaughtered ? I know what you are capable of Rudraksh Rani. I know I stand no chance against you but I heard you are weak when it comes to the ones dear to you. So you see like poisonous worms, as you call us, my men are crawling every street, every house, every corner of this town.... And yes.... Even your consort is surrounded by them. One signal and you will lose everything. A bloody massacre will stain Somm. So be a good Queen and do what you can to protect your Kingdom."


I gritted my teeth to the point my jaw ached. I closed my fists hard enough for my claws to dig into my palm and draw blood.

"Where is he ?"

"Safe. Unconscious but safe. I have nothing to do with him but everything to do with you, Rudraksh Rani." Rudraksh Rani. Rudraksh's Queen.

"He will come for you."

"He needs to find me first."

We walked a few miles and stopped in front of a small hill. It was covered in creepers. His cronies moved the creepers aside and revealed a cave. Nagraj whispered something and the inside was illuminated by a fire torch. "Be quick with you." He hissed and I walked in. It was a typical cave but a small one. At the end of it was a huge well covered by a wooden lid. The cronies removed it as well and Nagraj hissed again, "What are you waiting for ? Jump !"



All the people.

Little kids.

I jumped. Once we'd be in there... He would not get any chance to signal and I'd rip him apart.

"I am Nagraj. The Naga King. You cannot touch me. Abandon your plans." I heard him say before I landed. Six tunnels. There were six tunnels.

I followed him into one and found myself facing a maze. Damnit. There was no way I could remember the way. The tunnels were all same.

I remembered how Rudraksh selected the jewellery for me for the bonfire.

I dropped one of my six rings.

After walking for several minutes through the fire torch lit dusty tunnels and discreetly dropping jewellery, we reached a room.

I gasped.

There was a human sized diamond in the middle.
Snakes crawled the room like actual worms. There were thousands of them everywhere. They made way for Nagraj as he walked in and I followed. When I sensed another wolf in there, I looked around and jumped. He was covered in mud, his overgrown greying hair covered his face and he was wearing torn clothes but I recognised him from the painting in the Rana haveli.

Rudraksh's father, Sugriv. He was not dead. Shackled in silver from head to toe, He was alive but barely.

"I see you have recognised my dear father ?" My world swayed. How could a wolf be a snake's father ?

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