28 - Solace And Nightmares ( Edited POV )

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When I looked up, he was gone as if he had vanished in thin air. All that was left of him that moment was his lingering scent and that look of pain on his face in my mind.

At this point... I was paranoid. I didn't know what I was doing.

"And...." Krishna's voice hauled me back. "And it's beautiful you know ? How it all just falls into place whenever I am with her. With her I am not confused, with her I have no questions, with her I have no doubts. She tames my chaos, her very presence. It's just been a day and the change I allowed.... It's simply magical."


Each and every word that came out of his mouth hit me like a wrecking ball and I felt like an utter fool. Regret clawed my insides.

"And now that she is in the infirmary... You're looking for peace here ? Visit her... It will help her heal faster."

"I wish I could but we have bigger problems than my peace. We are yet to find what those two roaches are upto... What alliances are backing them up if there are any."

"Do whatever it takes. But keep one thing in mind brother... They are human. They should be alive and sane enough to confess their sins."

"Be assured." He stood up. "Allow me." I nodded and he left.

I took a deep drag of chillum and emerged from the last cloud of smoke into a standing position. After making sure the weed no longer burned, I hid the vintage chillum below the cot and made my way out. I decided to ditch dinner and busied myself with welcoming new guests. Once the quota of fake smiles and pleasant welcomes was done, I hurried to my chambers.

As soon as I stepped into the chambers, I shoved two pinches of that sleep inducing herbs. I knew Rudraksh won't show and even if he did for he was such an amazing person, I didn't have the guts to face him. I had pushed him away, Circumstances got us together. I let him cross the walls, Questions blocked this way and now I heard Krishna speak of answers to the very questions that haunted me like spirits in the form of doubt, weakness and fear. All those answers were in the hands of Rudraksh. I thought maybe my idea of solace was wrong altogether. It wasn't bad either except for the tremendous heartache.

Maybe I should find it with him instead of solitude.

I fell asleep without even being aware of it.

"No ! Not her ! Please...." I jolted awake and almost transformed into my wolf when I heard him cry out loud. I was on my feet with a dagger in my hand, canines emerged, eyes golden. When I saw him... He was thrashing in bed, covered in sweat and whimpering in pain.

"No ! Please.... please not her... Please !" He pleaded and sobbed. He was having a nightmare.

I rushed to him across the bed. "Mister Rana ?" With my heart beating wildly, I caressed his cheek with one hand and shook him with the other.

"Mister Rana ? Come back to me." I shook him harder and his eyes fluttered open. I took a deep breath of relief.

"It's okay. It was just a bad dream." I proceeded to wipe the sweat away from his forehead. He caught my hand. "Please don't walk away from me. Please don't push me away. Whatever it is, Love, please let me help you." He mumbled sleepily and pulled me closer.

The next thing I felt was his strong embrace. His arms secured around me, his face buried in my neck.

I felt safe then.

His slow breathing, his soothing scent.... I felt like there was no other place I would rather be. There was no other place I wanted to be.

Running my hand through his hair, I slipped into a peaceful slumber.

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