22 - You Are My Ultimate Salvation ( Edited POV )

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He fought with ardour, his sword maneuvering it's way towards Abhinav, parrying every move and striking blow after blow. I would have noticed more of his excellency in swordsmanship if I wasn't too busy ogling over the fact that he was out of his suit jacket and only in a silk white shirt, The top two buttons of which were, of course, undone.

Watching his muscles flex under the soft fabric that clung to his body, I took a deep breath which seemed to attract attention for his head snapped in my direction, giving Abhinav an opening. Rudraksh smiled as he parried Abhinav's attack all while looking at me. Damn he was good. I would never be able to master that level of skill even if I tried and kept trying for the rest of my life.

Abhinav followed his gaze and pointing his sword at the ground, he bowed. "Your Majesty," He said.

"No. Please don't do that Master Abhi. You are my teacher, my Guru. That is my job, not yours. Please don't embarrass me." I stepped into the shed.

"Now why would you need me when you have Alpha Rana to teach you ? He is far better than I can ever be." Abhinav said in a soft voice accompanied by a warm smile.

"I wouldn't say that. You are the best swordsman in all of Aryavarta. I will do just fine with you as my teacher." As I spoke with Abhinav, argued infact, about how he was the best teacher for me, Rudraksh dug his sword into the ground and supporting his weight on it, watched me with a big smile on his face. Like a kid watches his most prized possession. He wasn't a wee bit offended or jealous like I wanted him to be.

"As you wish, my Queen. Now I shall leave you two alone in case you change your mind." The warrior deliberately handed me his sword and walked out of the grounds, taking the rest of his students and men along with him.

Out of unimaginable courage and foolishness, I pointed my sword at Rudraksh. He was still looking at me like I was the biggest treasure in the world.

"Would you like a practice duel with me ? Alpha Rana ?" I asked, Mimicking Abhinav.

"I would love to but I am afraid you have a big advantage of those eyes here." He pulled out his sword and tucking it's tip carefully below my chin, tilted my head up a little. "But then again... It's an advantage for me too." Then he waved it front of me before circling me, slowly, like a predator does to it's prey. I gulped.

"The Pandit said you cannot leave the Haveli til the coronation." He parried my strike only when I got too close to him. A moment late and his head would've been on the ground.

A confused expression took over his face and I just hoped he'd buy my lie. I was the one who was not supposed to leave the Haveli but I lied to him. I didn't know why I did that but the peace his presence, the balm his soul provided my soul with was aggressively addicting.

"Why ? I don't think--" I striked again which he parried again and striked back with no force at all. Was he going easy on me just because I was a woman ? And was he hesitant to take the chance of being near me ?

"You have to stay. That is non-negotiable. It's for the Panch Pratha which directly affects my coronation and our marriage." I stepped back and took an attacking stance.

"I can't."

"Why would yo--"

"Madira ? I can't." He dodged my advance and I hit air for he got behind me in a flash. I turned and pouncing forward, striked hard enough to make him stumble back three steps. I stayed in that position, my sword forcing into his. He was just holding me in place with his eyes locked with mine.

"I know it might be difficult for you to trust me but it won't be easy for me to sleep next to my father's killer either." This time he took me by suprise and pushing me away, he advanced to strike, "For the last time Madira, I didn't kill your father, he killed himself." Our swords clashed like two armies. His strike was merciless but I blocked it with full force.

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