10. He Was Gone (Edited POV)

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"Hello Miss ! It's a beautiful evening, isn't it ?"

"It was, a minute ago."

"Err.. actually I've been noticing you and I must say you look beautiful."

"So ?" Taken aback, the man cleared his throat.

"Would you be so kind as to grant me the pleasure of dancing with you ?" He asked, extending his hand.

"I'm not a very kind person." I said before popping another sweet morsel into my mouth and crossing my arms against my chest. Except for my cousins, Rudraksh Rana and Vikram Kollins, everyone seemed to get on my nervous instantaneously.

The man stilled, probably after gathering his wounded pride and stuffing it into his ridiculous coat's pocket. He eyed me with something that could be easily matched with the stare of a creep from across a dark, empty street.

"Ah I can see why everyone is talking about a bold Indian woman. I've been to India once in my life and never understood why women choose to show their skin because, trust me, there are many who like the sight of it."

"Ah... Is that it ? I wonder why anyone would ogle at every woman their audacious eyes land on... umm let me guess..." I tilted my chin up, stroked it and then added, "Must be because of rotten minds ? Desparate ? Like those cavemen ? Pathetic upbringing perhaps ? Because as far as I know respectable men know the taste of respect enough to give it back. And that they mind their own business. Men back in my country do. This clothing was never a problem there. I pity Gritaan women."

"Oh you completely misunderstood me Miss. I was just warning you."

"Same. I was just stating the facts."

"Fierce, aren't you Miss ? I'm impressed and I'm afraid now you have no choice but to grant me a dance."

Does this old crap got a death wish ? He would've been smoke had we were not in such a grand venue. I didn't want to cause a scene and ruin the occasion.

"What are you so afraid of Mister ? Whatever that is I suggest you work on it instead of wasting your time forcing your ridiculous point of view and will to waltz around with unwilling women."

The man looked like he'd faint for he kept going blue in the face. He took a step forward, I wrapped my dupatta around me and got ahold of the dagger that was attached to my back in the process.

"How dare you, you pathetic, filthy Indi--" Before he finished that sentence and lay his hand on me in the process, I backhanded him. Hard. He stumbled to the side and looked up with evident murder in his eyes and a fine red print of my hand on his cheek.

"That's my nationality. I'd like if you address it with respect. Haven't mother taught you how you should behave with women ?"

"You outrageous wench ! I'll show you what happens when you act smart--" The tip of my dagger against his throat was all it took to shut him up.

"You were saying ?" The sweat on his forehead in such cold evening said it all but his small eyes still housed that stubborn pride.

"I'd suggest you let go of the man young lady." A voice hauled my attention and I found a very drunk, pink in the ugly face, Gritaan standing around three feet away from us.

I couldn't help but laugh, "Ah. A knight in shining armour on duty for his damsel ? How cute. Love is love afterall but I do wonder what the good ole Gritaan society might have to say about it ?"

"That's not it ! Keep it low, woman ! What nonsense are you talking ? Anyways... Don't you know ? That can land you in jail." He pointed a trembling finger at my dagger. I ignored him.

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