14 - His Salvation. ( Edited POV )

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And just like that... I was forced to his Haveli along with Akshat carrying my father back to the Royal Haveli upon Rudraksh's orders. It wasn't in hands of others to stop a wolf from claiming his mate... Let alone an Alpha.

When we made it to the Rana Haveli, I didn't bother sparing it a single glance. Once whatever he was so worked up about got done, I thought, I would tell him how much I hated him, tell him that I wanted nothing to do with him. I would leave, I would go back to where a big part of my heart and world lay collapsed.

I was wrong about not feeling any pain, not feeling anything, for the amount of pain I felt that moment paled everything, even the joy wolves were blessed with upon finding their soulmates.

He had lead me to some chambers and ordered a maid to get fresh clothes for me so I could finally shift. Then he left the room in hurry. Once changed, I was escorted to different chambers where an old man was lying on his death bed. He was frail, wrinkly and looked so.... Close to death.

"Sahiba ?" He asked and looked at Rudraksh who was sitting beside the him, holding his hand. The Alpha nodded and the old man's teary eyed gaze turned to me.

"Mahashakti ! You will be his salvation Sahiba... I've waited for so long... You have blessed my soul... You have blessed my soul. May Mahadev's blessings always be upon both of you... May you live a long life. Akhand Saubhagyavati Bhava, My Child, Akhand Saubhagyavati Bhava." May you be fortunate to have your husband live long by your side. The old man said and coughed. Did he lose his mind ? I was sure he did.

I kept quiet.

"Sahib ? I've only had one wish all my life, I have only one wish now as I am knocking at death's door... Before I take my last steps in this realm to my creator... I want to see you wed Sahiba."


The man started coughing again.

"Giri !" Came the Alpha's rushed voice and he got ahold of Giri as if thinking the old man won't die in his hold but I was in a daze... If the man's last wish was to see Rudraksh Rana wed his mate then...

I watched the old man seal my fate as he lay dying.

"Please Sahiba, as my Queen, that's all I ask of you."

Just like that... I was turned, saw my father's death and was married. All in one night.

There was no wedding. Just an important ritual that bound us for eternity.

"Sahiba Rana ? Please... You must take this medicine before the fever worsens." The maid, Veena, was literally pleading before me for past hour but I didn't open my eyes, let alone take the medicine they might have prepared in the Rana Haveli.

"Leave." I commanded but the maid seemed tough and determined enough for she didn't. She was there under Rudraksh's orders after all.

"I know it must be hard for you. I am a woman too. I was posted to look after you, I am accountable to Sahib Rana. If anything happens to you... It will cost me my living... please have mercy Sahiba."

"I lost my everything not a week ago. If you think, Veena, that I'm anyway in a state of sympathy... Then you're wrong. I'm angry with my gods. I'm not the person you should be seeking compassion from as of this moment."

Without a word, the maid left and I sighed. I haven't had anything since three days except for the apples I plucked from the trees in the garden. I caressed the antique lamp on the table beside the king-sized bed.

His chambers were almost like mine back in the Kedar Haveli... The only differences were the dark vibes and lack of portraits. Everything was in the deepest shades of maroon, brown, navy blue, green and russet. All accompanied by ornate gold carvings. The walls were a deep shade of terracotta and the Kashmiri carpet covering the floor was deep black with intricate artwork of gold and green. There were no chandeliers to illuminate the room but vintage lamps that gave off a dimmed glow. Gold and bronze statues of Mahadev could be seen and the artistic vases had fresh fragrant hyacinths.


The thing about time is that it doesn't give a damn about you, it doesn't care if you're shattered or broken beyond repair. It doesn't care if you're mourning a loss so immense... Your heart aches everytime you breathe. It never gives you the chance to make things right, to get back what is lost or to fill it's place. It just keeps moving, never stays still never gives you the shot to think of it all over again, to fix up the pieces of your broken heart and keep up with life. To work past all the confusions, it doesn't wait for you to think rationally. It requires you to run past it just like it does. It Just doesn't care.

And I got a pretty good taste of it by the course of events that took place in past three days from the moment I found my father murdered to the moment I had Rudraksh Rana apply sindoor across the middle parting line of my hair, marrying me.

I had been in the Rana mansion for past two days. My husband had got me back here right after I paid my final respects to my father.
Sighing, I closed my eyes and all of a sudden my heart picked race, a familiar scent engulfed me before I heard fast, rhythmic footsteps.

I kept my eyes close, pretending to be asleep. I felt him sit on the bed beside me and the next second, I felt a hand gracing my cheek in a loving caress, sending sparks down my body.

"Mrs Rana ?" He called with same softness his touch possessed. I didn't react.


Shakti - Strength.

Mahashakti - Goddess and Consort of Lord Mahadev.

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