47 - RUDRAKSH'S POV ( Edited POV )

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I woke up to Rudraksh soundly sleeping on top of me like he seemed to love so much. With his head nestled between my breasts. The difference was... This time I was bare. Completely naked. And the sound of his sleepy groan had my nipples hardening under his palms. I ran my fingers through his hair, eyeing his sculpted back which was now covered in red streaks of my claw marks and dried blood. Even our sheets were ribbons at few places from when I gripped them too hard. Seven rounds. I passed out after I fell apart around him for the seventh time.

I moved my hand to the side of his face, feeling the artistic lines and contours of his chiselled jaw and neck. I exhaled, his scent sliding through me. The sound that escaped his throat that moment soothed my demons, a sound that was better than any musical piece, a sound so erotic and divine at the same time. It made me hot. The sound of his sleepy moan made me feel like a powerful woman.

I was a different person now. One that was addicted to sins and didn't fear damnation.

Then he lifted his face and I saw stars in that bright sunny afternoon.

His brown eyes, under the sunlight, were pools of honey and I wanted to drown in those depths. They looked like home. They looked like Love.

"Good morning, Love." He breathed. His morning voice, deep and rough.

"Show me." Without question he adjusted himself a little higher and exposed the right side of his neck to me. Two puncture marks of my claim sat gloriously above his pulse.

His mark on my own tingled as I remembered how he did good on his promise and sunk his canines into my skin at the same time he thrust inside me for the first time. It was a chorus of pain and pleasure that was still ringing in my ears.

I pulled him close by wrapping my arms around him and nuzzled his neck, "Good morning, Rudraksh."

He groaned, licking his mark, "I'll never get enough of you saying my name."

"Rudraksh. I love you."

"You love me ?"


"You love love me ?"

"I love love you."

"Me ?"

"Yes you, Rudraksh." He held me tighter, kissing my neck now.

"I love you, Shivanya. I'm not going to be satisfied with just one kiss."

"Lift your hips." He pulled away to look at me, frowning.

"What ?"

"Lift. Your. Hips." He did.

I palmed his erection.

"Ah." A moan rolled off his lips. Eyes closing and lips parting as he nearly collapsed on top of me. My mouth watered. He never shyed away from showing me how much affect I had on him. That his pleasure was mine. He moaned and groaned and shuddered at my mercy and I was downright addicted to those sounds.

"Ahh fuck..." His moan turned into a hiss when I squeezed.

His snapped open his eyes when I didn't ease the pressure in a silent question.

"You tied me up last night."

"I untied you lat- ah."

"After fourth round ?" I raised an eyebrow. I'd begged him to let me touch him, to feel his body flexing, to show him I loved him but did he listen ? He did not. I looked at the table for a second that lay broken in the middle of the room. That shameless man couldn't wait until we got to the bed. The first time, I came in this mouth. The second time ? We broke it.

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