29 - Please Come Back To Me ( Edited POV )

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I followed Krishna to the dungeons and at the farthest of those almost empty hunting cells was where Vikram and Kaatil were held. I picked up Rudraksh's scent as I walked through the darkness. I followed it and stopped where it was the strongest. When I stepped into the dungeon lit only by two fire torches, I saw two guards. Each by the two prisoners. Kaatil was fine with his lesser injuries while Vikram was as good as dead. Rudraksh stood close to him with his hands in his pockets and eyes glaring death at the half dead half Valaskan.

"Queen Shivanya ! Mercy Queen Shivanya ! Mercy !" Crying, Vikram pleaded and fell to my feet. But before he could even touch my ghaghra, in a flash like moment, Rudraksh grabbed Vikram's brown curls and hurled him away from me. I flinched. Rudraksh slammed Vikram against the stone wall and slowly bent down in front of him. In a threatening tone, he spoke, "I told you to maintain distance from her, didn't I ?"

"Your majesty." A guard placed a chair behind me and I sat down.

"Queen Shivanya... Trust me I mean no harm to you." Vikram managed to say.

"Then why are you here in the dungeons Mister Kollins ? Shackled, guilty. Maybe it is my fault. Back in Gritaan, I told you how we treat our guests but I didn't mention what becomes of traitors."

"No ! Please trust me. They used me."

"Used you ? Who ? This man ?" I gestured at Kaatil.


"Be quick with you ! The Queen haven't got all day to waste on you !" The guard kicked Vikram's side and a cry reverberated through the empty cells.

Vikram started breathing heavily.

"I will. Please... I will." He pleaded. His eyes rolled back as he gestured towards Rudraksh who was still gripping his hair.

"Mister Rana ?" I held my hand up to him. Rudraksh was on my side in an instant and took my hand in his.

"It was two years ago when I came to India for the first time. My sister wanted to see the most celebrated state, Kashmir. So I took her. One evening she went out for a stroll. It was late and she hadn't come back so I went out looking for her. I looked everywhere til dusk took over. When I reached the forest I heard her calls and cries for help. I ran to her and saw two naked men standing in front of her but they didn't have intentions of ruining her. Or maybe they did before I got there.

They turned into beasts, wolves, and tore her apart. I couldn't believe it and knew no one would believe me so I got into investigation. It led me to a same victim. A man with vengeance. Kaatil. He told me that those beasts are walking free and it's all King's fault because he would deny any fact about them. He told me maybe the Royals were beasts too and they shouldn't rule. He said he would help me with my vengeance and support me. That he had Sultan Karim's support. I believed them but when I met you, my Queen, my opinion changed and I came here to make sure I am not dooming good people to hell. I told them I would signal them for the attack but they didn't lis--"

"Attack ?!"

"Yes. A double attack. Kaatil's arrival at the haveli meant that the Sultan's army was just a week away from here and the Gritaan troops might be living harbours on fastest war ships as we speak upon my request. I had sent a fake word of a big rebellion stirring up in Kashmir." I abruptly stood up, my chair stumbled back. The guard's sword came down on Vikram's throat.

"Your orders, Alpha ?" He asked but I said nothing. I just kept my gaze fastened on the man who, alone, got two armies on me even before I got the crown on.

A hand enclosed around mine and my breathing slowed before going into a frantic sequence of inhales and exhales. I stormed out of the cell and marched out of the dungeons through dark stone archways.

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