38 - Claim ( Edited POV )

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He didn't stop me.

His hands gripped my hips and pulled me flush against him.

Skin to skin.

The cold water I was in caught flames.

I wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him closer, my hardened nipples rubbing against his heated coat of soft skin over hard muscles. His body was perfect. Not too muscled but the just the right amount of hardness my body craved.

It was a deep and fervour kiss to which he didn't respond for a few seconds, completely frozen. I pulled back to see his wide eyes and freshly kissed lips parted.

"Kiss me." My voice held a command. And a plea. He didn't need to be told twice. My back arched by the force with which he leaned forward and claimed my lips. I let him devour mine like a hungry wolf he was and when he bit on my lower lip, my knees buckled. His hand slipped to my thigh which he guided over his hip and I wrapped my leg around his waist, feeling him there, pulling him more into myself. Hard. He was hard. His hands were rough yet gentle against my heated, overly sensitive skin. Every touch left behind a garden of flames. I touched his skin, ran my hands until I grabbed his hair to hold onto for dear life.

He kissed me like it was the last time. He took everything. He took every second and touch he was denied with a punishing force and I decided I was his to ruin. To break and take. And he took. And he gave. I took my fill, sucking on his lips, his tongue. I took it all. Fire. Fire. Fire. A fire so wild, it burned me until I was reduced to something full of lust, something that wanted more and more and more. It set my existence ablaze in a ghostly fire of pure wanting.

My body was caught in an inferno of pleasure in the cold water, every inch of my skin melting and moulding into his.

I was melting into his mouth.

When we pulled away a little to catch our breaths, I felt him shudder in my arms.

"Do you have anything to say about your recklessness ?" He traced his thumb across my lower lip, his forehead against mine, his breathing ragged.

"I didn't touch his bed. It had to he done, Mister Rana. You and I, we both know we were under prepared and even if we did win somehow.... At what cost ? So many lives lost just because their Queen was a coward their King loved more than anything else ?"

"I love you more than anything else. I love you more than I do the air I breathe. You know that." There was not a moment of thought. No hesitation.

"I do. But... Would it have been okay with you if they hated me ? Called me a coward ? A weak little wolf unworthy of the throne she sits on ? Because it wouldn't have been with me. I'm a Queen as much as I am yours. I have bloodlust as reckless as yours. I had to let it all out. A Queen not in battlefield is no Queen at all. Mister Rana, my darling, I know I hurt you, Mahakal... I know I broke you. And I wish I could put you back to my Rudraksh again. Who didn't run from me. Who didn't ignore my pleas. Who looked at me and smiled. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."

"Your darling ?" He grinned.

"Yeah mine."

"Yours. I'm still the man you walked past in the corridor that night. Still the man who fell hopelessly in love with you. And no. It wouldn't have been okay with me if they called you all those things. I... I just needed a little time. You have not an idea of how many nights I laid awake, wishing for you. Praying, begging, hoping. It's not like I don't think you're capable or that you can't fight your battles. I... I'm too much of a coward to let you in danger. I get so scared... I cannot lose you. I. Cannot. Lose. You. Do you hear me ?"

"I do. I cannot lose you either. I prayed for you too. Even though I don't deserve you, I... I won't trade this for the heavens."

"You deserve me, Mrs Rana. All of me. It's me. I don't deserve you, a part of me is so glad you went to war. I'm so damn proud of you. You're so strong and brave and beautiful and you're so mine. Tell me you're mine."

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