43 - I Feel A Connection ( Edited POV )

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Not an inch bit of difference. He was just wearing black trousers and nothing else. His hair were the same. His perfectly toned body now gleaming was the same. Everything but his eyes.... his eyes were unfamiliar to me. They were not the soft depths I was used to. There was a merciless darkness about them that separated the man from my man.

He was Rudraksh, but not Rudraksh.

It was one of my tests.

"Seems like women of your generation got no will to live." He voiced his uninvited opinion.

"What ?"

"You're the first woman I've encountered in my seventy years of protecting this place. I assume you might already know what these Caves hold, and the fact that you're here speaks of your remarkable courage. You do not hold your life dear, do you ?" The man who looked like Rudraksh had the voice exactly like Rudraksh. Cold, deep, and laced with threats.

"And I shall be the first woman to go further. Who are you ?"

"I am the one who protects this place. Now, you must go back while you still have the chance."

"No ! I can't go back now. I've come a long way... let me pass so I can do what I came here fo--"

"There is no way that will be possible. If you want to pass, you will have to defeat me in a duel, which I am afraid will not be possible either."

"I accept." I said.

"Think about it again, Lady. In my two hundred years of protecting this place... no one managed to take me down. All their souls are now trapped in my sword to get tormented for eternity." I felt my bones chill. That fear. I was not in my control. No. I couldn't turn back now. Even if I made it out alive without fighting... I wouldn't do it. I would never do it. The man in front of me had two hundred years of experience and skill in swordsmanship and I ? I was just a warrior, a wolf with the experience of a single real battle.

"I am giving you a chance at life, Lady. They will rip you to shreds. Then they'll torment your soul." The spirits. I gulped hard.

"I accept your challenge, Protector."

"History is witness..." The man shook his head, chuckling, "The history is witness that arguing with a woman is a lost cause. Look to your right."

I did and found a sword identical to his. I picked it up. The sword was heavier than a normal one. I remembered how Rudraksh was duelling with Abhinav that day. His stance, his moves, his posture... I remembered everything, remembered every detail like a sacred poem.

I knew how Rudraksh fought. Now I was even more glad I went looking for him.

I took a fighting stance.

"You ready, Kashi ?"

"Hell yeah. But I can't seem to feel you. Can you feel me ?"

I didn't.

"No I can't... but... why ?"

"I don't know. I can't help you out here. I'm sorry but I'll keep trying."

"Let's go then."

Our swords clashed like two vengeful armies and a lightning like sound echoed through the ancient caves. I jumped back from the impact but he remained on spot, unaffected. He was strong. Colossally strong.

His lips curled up to a smirk. I saw two openings that would sever his head off his body but could I do it ? He was not Rudraksh but he looked like him and that stomped on my weak points.

"Remember Queen. There will be illusions. There will be deceptions. You must prepare yourself to see through all of them. Give it your all." I remembered the man's words and parried the Protector's attack.

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