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However, she was just an average student. How would she be able to meet Lisa Manoban?

Arin understood what bothered Yuna. Although she felt Yuna was being a bit unrealistic, she was still her best friend. So, during her visit, she offered, "I do not have any friends in the entertainment industry, but I can try to utilize my family's background to help you."

"But, Yuna, I've looked into the CEO of Manoban Entertainment. He is a legend that stands at the pinnacle of the entertainment industry. Will he be willing to see you?"

Yuna lowered her head disappointedly...

Arin smiled and comforted her, "Since he and Jennie are married, who knows, maybe he'll be willing. It's just, I can't help thinking that a man like him, won't even take a second look at unimportant people like us."

Yuna understood Arin's difficulties as she tried to look hopeful, "As long as you've tried your best, that's all that matters."

"One thing I don't understand...since Jennie is married to the Big Boss of the entertainment industry, why hasn't she announced it? Why is she enduring all this suffering? It appears, the people at YG have no idea about her relationship."

Yuna thought for a moment and understood this was exactly how Jennie dealt with things. So she replied, "Don't go around telling everyone about this. Jennie definitely has her own plans."

"I can't guarantee you other things, but this, I can definitely do."

Although she had mixed feelings about Jennie, in comparison to YG, Arin was more willing to place her trust in Jennie. Since YG had consistently schemed against her, they would definitely be shocked beyond belief once Jennie finally decided to play her hidden card.

Unfortunately, Yuna's condition continued to worsen. Arin had no time to waste as she quickly went to beg her tycoon father. Although it didn't seem like he would be of much help, he at least had a way of contacting Lisa.

After Arin told Yuna, Yuna specifically told Arin to tell her father's secretary to pass on a message, "This matter involves YG, please make an appearance."

Lisa should be able to understand her hidden meaning, right?

Of course, Lisa's time was precious and it was never easy to arrange a meeting with him. So, when Arin family requested a meeting under the guise of wanting to invest in film and television, Lisa directly ordered, "Reject them."

That night, Father Yuan and his daughter escorted the extremely frail Yuna out of the hospital to a private dining room in a five-star-hotel to wait for Lisa. However, 3 hours passed, yet he was nowhere to be seen.

"It appears Lisa doesn't think much of Jennie. We already passed our message on clearly, yet he hasn't shown up," Arin sighed in a discouraged tone. She had the impression that Jennie marrying Lisa wasn't such a great thing.

Yuna shook her head. She refused to agree with Arin. She simply turned to Father Yuan apologetically, "Sorry Uncle Yuan for making you wait around like this."

"It's OK Yuna. Uncle is getting a little tired, so I will go home first. You two can continue waiting."

After sending off her father, Arin returned to her seat. Looking at the menu in front of them, her eyes lit up, "I'm starving..."

Another 2 hours passed, the time was now midnight. Arin lost her patience as she slammed her hands on the table and stood up, "This Lalisa Manoban has gone too far. Even if we aren't important people, he still shouldn't humiliate us like this. After all, we are trying to help his wife. It seems he doesn't care about Jennie at all."

As soon as her words left her mouth...

...a tall figure appeared behind her...

Of course, it was only Jisoo. But behind him...followed Lisa as they entered the room.

Arin was shocked to see Lisa in person as her mind went blank. She awkwardly sat back down in her seat.

Actually, Yuna was also surprised; she had already given up hope that Lisa would make an appearance. Yet, here he was...

Lisa was also surprised to find his meeting today was with two young girls. Normally, he would ask Jisoo to wait outside, but he instead instructed him to sit down and join them, in case of any misunderstanding.

Yuna had no time to waste as she directly told Mo Ting, "President Manoban, I've asked you to come today because of Jennie."

Hearing Jennie's name, Lisa scrunched up his eyebrows. From this small movement, Arin could sense the dangerous aura emanating from his body...

Did he need to be so scary...

Yuna then spent a bit of time introducing herself and explaining the entire incident that happened with Ian to Lisa.

Even as she finished recalling everything, Yuna was still in disbelief; she had never imagined Lisa would be sitting right opposite her.

"Jennie will not donate her kidney to you," Lisa said straightforwardly as he straightened his coat. "As her husband, seeing her get an injection makes my heart ache for half the day, let alone remove an entire kidney..."

After hearing Lisa's words, Yuna calmly nodded her head, "I never expected her to."

However, Arin was a little angry. Just as she was about to ask, what's so good about Jennie, Lisa's next sentence made her quickly swallow the words that were about to leave her mouth.

"But...I can help you find a donor from anywhere in the world."

"I know the Kim family owes Jennie too much. I really didn't come today because of my kidneys. I simply couldn't bear seeing Jennie being framed again."

"Even if Jennie was the one that came today, she still would have chosen to do the same thing. Yes, your brother owes her, but it has nothing to do with you; she is clear who her real enemy is."


"You don't think I can represent her?" After asking, Lisa stood up and instructed Jisoo, "Escort them home first. Afterwards, go to Yuna's hospital and obtain information about all the doctor's that have been involved with her treatment. Also, gain control of any hospital staff that may have taken photos of her or have been acting strangely."

"If you allow Ian to make a move, then I no longer need you by my side."

After hearing Lisa's instructions, Jisoo immediately nodded his head, "No worries, President."

Yuna and Arin looked at Lisa; it seemed they got the chance to witness the rumors they had often heard. Everything people said about him being quick, effective, resolute and stern weren't merely rumors - it was the truth.

In fact, Arin was too afraid to even look at Lisa. As she left the hotel, she looked even more like a patient than Yuna.

"Yuna...My legs feel weak. By marrying such a cold man, is Jennie honestly happy?"

Yuna smiled as dimples appeared on her cheeks, "I can tell he truly loves her. If not, why would he waste his time on unimportant people like us? Plus, didn't you hear? Even a simple injection would make his heart ache. At least he is a lot better than my brother."

"No matter what, Arin, I really need to thank you for today. I feel a lot more at ease now that I know there is someone protecting Jennie..."

"Hey, do you think Ian will die a painful death? He's dealing with Lisa...it's Lalisa Manoban!"

As Jisoo drove, he listened to the two friends critique Lisa and discuss Lisa and Jennie's relationship.

Inside he was thinking, they are doing really well, it's just, they have no need to prove anything to others.

As for Ian...

Jisoo was uncertain of his fate; it was all dependent on the President's mood. Of course, when faced with a situation like this, any normal person would not be in a good mood...

Trial Marriage Husband: Need To Work Hard (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now