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"Why are you suddenly interested in her?" Nancy maintained her elegant image as she asked. Her eyes looked at Somi piercingly, "You guys aren't actually well acquainted, are you?"

Somi was exposed, so she smiled back awkwardly as she explained, "I'm simply not sure why a rich heiress would degrade herself in such a way and bring shame to her family..."

"This isn't something you should worry about. Jennie is well aware of what she is doing," Nancy cut in before Somi could finish. "Miss Jeon, this is a Kim family matter."

Somi understood that the Kim family wasn't one to offend, so she quickly retreated, "Sister Nancy, I don't mean anything by this. I am merely sympathizing with you."

"There is nothing to sympathize about!"

After all, she was merely a child of a mistress and held no status in the family.

Luckily, Jennie had enough self-awareness. She was at least better than her mother and knew the right thing to do. So, the Kim family quickly forgot about her existence and went on separately with their own lives.

Somi did not gain any useful information from her visit. The only thing she confirmed was that Jennie had indeed been kicked out.

After Somi left, Nancy asked the maids to clean up the cup she drank from. Just as she got up, Grandfather Kim entered the living room with the support of his walking stick.


"I noticed the young miss from the Jeon family just visited. What was it regarding?"

Nancy did not dare to mention Jennie in front of her grandfather, so she simply replied, "She was merely sending her regards, nothing special."

Grandfather Kim glanced at Nancy with his piercing eyes. His pupils glimmered with suspicion, but he did not continue questioning her. He simply said to Nancy in a serious tone, "I saw the news regarding Jennie and this Miss Jeon. I assume the rich heiress they spoke about was her. How dare she shake my granddaughter's hand and snobbishly act like it was dirty..."

Nancy was stunned...


"Don't tell me you still think I am angry at Jennie? I'm sure you all know deep down why I had to send Jennie away. The person that did something ridiculous was your father, it had nothing to do with Jennie. Yes, I was disappointed in her once, but Jennie is still my granddaughter - this is the undeniable truth!"

Grandfather Kim did not say much more. But, Nancy felt a strong sense of discomfort and anxiety.

Within the Kim family, Jennie was the only child of the mistress, yet, she was the one that received the most love from Grandfather Kim.

What right did Jennie have?

And what did Grandfather Kim mean by his words?


Jennie had no idea that her name had caused a stir in the Kim household. She was simply focused on preparing for her shoot with Fearles in France and was trying her best to achieve the result Lisa wanted.

Just before setting off to France, Rosé requested for some time off from Jennie. After Jennie finished packing her luggage, she turned to Rosé questioningly, "Haven't you always followed me regardless of whether we are headed for heaven or hell? Ever since you started dating Jisoo, you no longer stick by my side."

"I simply want to spend more time with him. Plus, Boss will be accompanying you the entire time. It makes no difference whether I am there or not," Rosé explained as she smiled at Jennie.

Jennie carefully observed Rosé and discovered marks all over her neck, "Is that the reason you abandoned me?"

Rosé quickly covered her neck and cleared her throat, "That..."

"Has Jisoo made a move on you?"

"What do you mean 'made a move'? Sounds so bad," Rosé pulled out her marriage certificate and handed it to Jennie, "We are legally wed. Legally!"

Jennie looked at the marriage certificate and was a little surprised, "Why didn't you mention this before?"

"That night...it was getting late and we were getting a little carried away, so I told him I didn't agree with pre-marital sex. As a result...we got married the next day."

Jennie handed the marriage certificate back to Rosé and suddenly felt a bit of discomfort, "You got married so abruptly, I didn't even get a chance to give you my blessings."

"Between us, are words still necessary?" Rosé laughed out loud. "Plus, this is a decision between Jisoo and I. We simply want to enjoy some time alone. Things are perfect the way they are right now."

"I guess if I don't approve your leave, I would be quite heartless," Jennie put down her luggage and gently hugged Rosé, "You need to remain this loving forever. Jisoo has been busy over the past few days because of Star King's take over. How about I call my husband and tell him to give Jisoo a few days off, what do you think?"

"Yes...you are the best!"


That afternoon, as Lisa returned home, Jennie excitedly told him about Lu Che and Rosé's marriage. She also told him to give Jisoo a few days off. Lisa thought about it for a moment and agreed, "OK, since he is of no use at the moment anyway."

"Is that a complaint I hear?" Jennie handed her luggage to Lisa and laughed.

"No wonder he's been a lot slower at handling matters lately. It must be because he's been placing his energy elsewhere," Lisa gestured for Jennie to stay where she was and let him handle the heavy work as he carried both their luggage into the car, "Everything's packed, let's get going."

"But, you are coming overseas with me to relax. Should you ask Minho to replace Jisoo for a few days?"

In actual fact, Jennie was trying to satisfy another couple's wish. Jisoo and Rosé were now married, but Suzy and Minho were still separated in two different places.

"Suzy isn't in France..."

Jennie froze. She didn't expect Lisa to see through to her real intention.

"Plus, you've underestimated your husband..."

Jennie did not refute. She opened the car door and hopped aboard with Lisa.

Their flight was scheduled for 8pm. Lisa brought along a few accompanying staff and arrived at the airport. As soon as they stepped in, they immediately drew the attention of passersby. In fact, they didn't simply draw in a small crowd, the crowd they attracted covered a large section of the airport. The crowd was so big that Jennie and Lisa had no way of getting through.

The airport's security immediately jumped into action as they carefully tried to escort them out of the crowd. However, Jennie remained surrounded by fans, to the point where she wasn't feeling well.

At first, Lisa simply held onto Jennie's hand. But, there were too many fans. So, he immediately gave off his domineering aura as he stopped in his track, removed his sunglass, pulled Jennie from his right side to his left and wrapped his arm around her in a half-hug position.

The fans started squealing in excitement...

Jennie noticed Lisa was extremely tired but couldn't stop to rest. So all she could do was step out from Lisa's embrace, remove her sunglasses and bow to the fans, "My apologies, could everyone please clear a path for us? He hasn't had any rest for a few days and isn't in the best condition."

Jennie did not mention Lisa's name, she simply referred to him as 'he'...

But it was already enough to make the fans explode in excitement. They quickly moved aside as requested, "Make way. Let the Jenlisa couple through!"

"Thank you everyone, thank you!"

Jennie returned to Lisa's side as he looked at her full of praise...

Lisa also suddenly felt, the fan that had referred to them as the 'Jenlisa Couple' looked particularly pleasing to the

Trial Marriage Husband: Need To Work Hard (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now