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Inside Manoban Entertainment's meeting hall, under the flashes of the cameras, Minho sat sternly on the stage. Next to him was the quiet and low-profile Jennie.

Reporters and fans had once praised Jennie for her aloofness from the world. But, they now felt, her low-profile and introverted personality was all an act to conceal her scheming.

They hated this Jennie. They wanted so badly to tear off her mask and send her far away from their sight so she could realize the terrifying power of the public.

Minho understood the thoughts that were running through these people's heads. After scanning his eyes across the hall, he finally started talking, "From today onwards, Jennie will be an artist of Manoban Entertainment's. I am aware that the public have their doubts towards her; since I made a promise yesterday, today I will satisfy everyone's curiosities. Didn't you all prepare questions to ask Jennie?In that case..."

"...she is right here. Feel free to ask her what you want to know. However, I have one condition: please ask her one question at a time."

Most of the reporters had notebooks in their hands scribbled with a plethora of questions. They were tempted to hand these notebooks directly to Jennie like an exercise book and force her to write down all her answers.

"I would like to ask Miss Kim to explain the entire incident with Kim Yuna."

The first reporter was aware that Minho was a master at playing tai chi around their questions, so she learned from her experience and only asked one question, requesting for Jennie to explain everything in one go.

Jennie glanced at Minho and Minho responded with a nod, reassuring her to relax and answer comfortably.

Jennie turned back to the reporters and stared straight into the live broadcast camera, "I did indeed do a test to see if my kidneys were compatible with Yuna. However, after terminating my contract with Kim Entertainment, Yuna has not made contact with me. I found out about her condition at the same time that you guys did. That's the entire story."

"You're lying! According to Yuna's friend, she tried to contact you multiple times, but you verbally ridiculed her and even told Yuna to go die."

Faced with the reporter's sharp questioning, Jennie smiled, "Yuna's friend? Have you confirmed this person's identity? Have you met her in person?"

The reporter froze; she was suddenly speechless, "But, you indeed promised to save Yuna, yet she is now dead!"

"For words like this to leave your mouth, I don't think it would be unreasonable for me to slap you across the face," Jennie's voice was extremely cold. "May I ask how this reporter found out that Yuna is dead? If you claim someone is dead without doing a proper investigation, I wonder how you got your qualifications. On the other hand, if you did investigate and still claim that she is dead, then I think you must be cold-hearted because your actions are extremely deplorable."

"Jennie, didn't you know Kim Yuna is missing? Didn't you deliberately dispose of the corpse so you could cover up your crime?"

After hearing this, Jennie finally realized, in just a few short days, how badly the rumors had gotten.

"Let me reiterate - Kim Yuna is not dead."

"What proof do you have? Show us the proof!"

"If I can prove it to you, will you kneel down and apologize to me?" Jennie suddenly asked the aggressive female reporter.

"Kneel? Aren't you taking it a step too far, Jennie?" the reporter laughed like she had heard a ridiculous joke.

"Me? Too far? Have you thought about what effect the rumors you are spreading have on me? Do I deserve to have my reputation destroyed by you guys?"

"Fine! If you can prove it to us, I'll kneel."

At the scene, so many people heard her words and saw what happened.

Jennie took one look at Minho before signaling for Arin to push Yuna through the front door of the meeting hall; making an appearance in front of everyone.

Yuna looked at the people around her; at the people that continuously tried to latch onto Jennie. With a resounding voice, she announced, "I am Kim Yuna!" as she pulled out her supporting documents. Minho had already prepared her for the troublemaking reporters.

The reporters looked at the girl that had suddenly appeared before them and were shocked. Wasn't she missing? Didn't Jennie dispose of her corpse?

"The world sure is big and everything is possible. I simply went in for a surgery, yet when I woke up, I heard everyone saying I was dead. Is the media stupid?"

Yuna's personal appearance indeed surprised all the reporters.

The person in question had actually appeared like this?

Was this really Kim Yuna?

Yuna looked at all the scolding faces. As Jennie's fan, she asked Arin to help her stand up and said to everyone present, "Right now, I really want to swear at all of you. Is there something wrong with you? How come I wasn't aware that I was dead? When have I, Yuna, ever needed reporters to help me get justice?"

"Let me tell you, Jennie has never owed me a kidney. Since you are all so generous and so compassionate, why don't you pick one of your kidneys and give it to me?"

"As for my so-called 'friend', in order to frame Jennie, this was all created by YG Entertainment's Artists Director, Ian Yu. Didn't you guys ask for proof? Let me show you the proof." After speaking, Yuna asked Arin to hand over the documents in her hands. This was information gathered from the nurse that Jisoo had spoken to.

It included a recording, photos, Ian's method of contact and the nurse's bank account details.

The reporters frantically looked at each other. In the end, Minho projected the information on the screen behind them...

Without a doubt, everything was planned by Ian and in the process, the media was strewn along by the nose...

"I'm not sure if the people that spread the rumor about me being dead had any ulterior motives, but I know, you are all accomplices to the abuse," Yuna looked at the media with a piercing expression. "If you still know how to write the word 'shame', then I think, from now on, you should be too ashamed to continue being reporters!"

"Of course, those that are shameless will continue to run around and hurt people with their cameras."

"I...Kim Yuna, am not dead. As for Jennie, she has not done any of the stuff you guys have claimed. In fact, she has never forgotten about my illness and has even sourced a compatible kidney for me; I am scheduled for my surgery soon. Whether she is a good person or not, I think I know better than all of you. If any of you decide to use this incident to hurt or slander Jennie again, then I will need to cooperate with Manoban Entertainment to sue the unscrupulous members of the media."

"When that time comes, you will need to face the consequences."

"If you can't control your own mouths, then we will need to hand it over to the law to control it."

Minho was impressed with Yuna. If this child recovered from her illness, he would seriously consider taking her in and training her to be his successor. Because the words she was saying, he had only told her once, and she remembered it all.

After hearing Yuna's warning, the media and public were suddenly speechless. As for the aggressive reporter from earlier, her face was completely red; she had vowed to kneel and apologize!

At this moment, all she hoped for, was for Jennie to forget about what they had said earlier. She really didn't want to embarrass herself in front of everyone...


...Minho remembered everything clearly, "Reporter #29, do you still remember what you promised Jennie?"

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