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[Jennie cannot have children!]

The media edited the story and spread it all over the place along with the supposed 'medical report'.

However, apart from those that ridiculed Jennie, there were also many that stepped out to protect her. After the incident with Bai Qiusheng, she had gained a lot of trust.

"I feel bad for Jennie. Medical examinations are a highly private matter, yet someone leaked it to create hype. They've gone too far."

"I'm so angry that I'm about to cry! What did Jennie do wrong to have the media latch onto her like this. The media are a disgusting bunch of people!"

"I believe in the love between Lisa and Jennie. Regardless of how her body is, I'm sure Lisa will take good care of Jennie. The immoral media dogs should get lost."

"Outsiders shouldn't make up ridiculous theories. There are many factors that can cause the thinning of the uterus. For example, Jennie was injured not too long ago on set. I really don't understand how you guys can be so disgusting as to jump straight to the conclusion that she's had too many abortions."

"Jennie and Manoban Entertainment both keep a low profile. What does the media want from them? Do you need to be so ruthless and cruel? I hope Manoban Entertainment can step out and do something about this."

"Jennie simply wants to act and be a good actress. I hope those that don't know the true story will stop hurting her..."

After all that she'd been through, Jennie finally received what she had worked hard to achieve. Online, fans tried their best to prevent the rumors from spreading by convincing people to delete the false information. As a result, Nancy and Mother Zhong did not get to watch the show they anticipated.

"What's wrong with these netizens? Don't they like to gossip? Why are they all stepping out to protect Jennie?" Nancy clenched her fists. She had long forgotten the image she had in the eyes of the netizens.

Back then, the news about who was a mistress' daughter, was much more hyped up than this.

Mother Zhong also did not look impressed. After all, to have so many people step out to protect her, it must mean her status in the industry was no longer the same as before.

"Don't worry, as long as the Manoban Family react the way that we want, then we haven't completely failed."

But, what did the Manoban Family think?

Of course, Elder Manoban saw the unreliable news as soon as it was released and called the couple to confirm.

At first, Lisa picked up the phone. Perhaps he was afraid of Elder Manoban's reaction, so he said straight out, "I don't care if Jennie can bear a child or not. She will forever be my one and only wife."

On the other end of the phone, Elder Manoban sighed, "This is not what I called you to talk about. How's the silly girl? Tell me, how could the almighty CEO of Manoban Entertainment allow his wife to constantly appear on the headlines? Do you know how to handle it? If not, let me do it."

Lisa lifted his eyebrows in surprise.

"Your grandfather is not a senile old man. Did you think I wouldn't be able to tell if Jennie is good or bad? I'm strict towards her for her own good. Pass the phone to Jennie, I want to talk to her. There's no point taking to you..."

Lisa: "..."

After roughly two seconds of silence, Lisa handed the phone to Jennie, "It's grandfather."

Jennie was nervous at first, but she still ended up receiving the phone from Lisa's hand, "Grandfather."

"Silly girl," as soon as Elder Manoban heard Jennie's voice, he could tell that she had been crying. His heart naturally softened, "Are you OK?"

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