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After the Suh father and son duo left, Lisa turned around and looked at Jennie. With a doting and helpless voice he asked, "You agreed so quickly. Aren't you afraid of losing?"

"I know how to play Texas Hold'em Poker," Jennie replied. "With me here, you don't need to make a move."

"But playing around is this spoilt rich kid's strength. Are you sure you can win?"

"You won't allow me to lose," Jennie lowered her head and took a deep breath. "Don't ask me why I know how to play poker, it's all in the past. Tonight, I simply want to put up a fight for you. Can you let me do that?" Jennie asked as she grabbed onto Lisa's sleeve.

Lisa tilted his head, looked at her delicate right hand and laughed, "Do I have the ability to refuse?"

"But, what if I lose..."

"Then, I will take it on for you and lose on your behalf."

Jennie couldn't help but laugh, "Trust me, just this once."

Lisa had never doubted Jennie. He knew she had never been the type of woman to hide behind a man. Plus, he remembered how she had previously said that they only knew about each other's habits but had no idea about each other's hobbies.

He could accurately point out Jennie's shoe size, body measurements, favorite food and favorite color, but when it came to everything else, he was looking forward to learning about them.

In the end, Lisa replied, "I can only trust you because my Texas Hold'em Poker skills aren't great."


Lisa's lips slightly curved upwards with a charming smile before he led Jennie into the entertainment hall.

Johnny was already getting prepared at the poker table. After all, this was one of his strengths; how could he not be excited? It was correct to say that he intended on 'bullying' Lisa because he thought he was the king of the poker table. Just because he couldn't beat Lisa in a fight, did that mean he couldn't beat him in playing?

A moment later, Jennie went to sit down on a chair in front of the table. However, Lisa stopped her and pulled her back up.

Jennie looked at him questioningly before he sat down on the chair first and placed her upon his lap...

This posture...

Although they often sat like this at home, at a place like this, Jennie felt a little awkward.

Lisa wrapped his arms around Jennie and reminded, "It's time to start."

"Need you be so clingy even when playing a game of cards. Are you afraid that you won't be able to hug her anymore if you lose? Let me warn you in advance - we are only playing one round," Johnny sneered before telling the dealer to get started.

Those familiar with Texas Hold'em Poker, would know that each player gets dealt two cards face-down before five community cards are dealt face up over three stages. In the end, the person with the best combination of five, combining both the cards in their hands and three cards from the community cards, wins.

A straight flush was obviously the best combination, followed by four-of-a-kind and then a normal flush.

Of course, Johnny had come across women on the poker table before. But, he had never seen a woman win. This little model was being much too brave.

A moment later, the dealer started to deal out the cards. Amongst her two cards, Jennie held an Ace of Spades and a Jack of Hearts.

Whereas, Johnny held a pair of Tens.

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