Chapter 37

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Deku pov
When we arrived to our dorm I quickly started preparing kachan for his nap after a couple of minutes he fell asleep.

I then quickly went to the living room were shoto was waiting for me I sat beside him on the the couch "Alright you ready" he asked I nodded my head we both looked at the notebook I decided to open it.

I flipped open the first page it was well blank I flipped the next one it was blank too we started to panic "w..what that doesn't make any sense I opened it earlier and it was full of notes and information!" Shoto exclaimed that's when it clicked "wait.....notes, information?" I thought to myself.

I then quickly got up "hey what are you-"I looked at shoto with a smile then said "I think we might actually solve all of this mess" i said, shoto was definitely confused I then went to our room and got all of my notebooks I mean all of them and then went back to the living room and placed them on the coffee table.

"Woah I never realised how many notebooks you have" shoto said "well whatever it is we might find it in here so I'll search for any information in my notebooks while you search for anything in that one or at least try and figure out why denki gave it to us all blank" I said he nodded.

So we started I first began by sorting all of my notebooks from the oldest to the newest but as I did that I realised that one of them was missing "Hey shoto did you find anything yet?" I asked as I kept on searching for the missing notebook "no but I keep finding this weird symbol at the bottom of each page" he said.

I quickly took the notebook "where is it?" I asked "it's right there can't you see it?" He asked a bit worried but I actually couldn't see anything "hey Uhm shoto are you ok?" I asked worriedly he huffed and took the notebook and continued searching I shrugged it off and kept searching but I couldn't find that one single very important notebook.

But then I started searching In the notebooks for information

Time skip~ (three hours later)

As we were still searching kachan woke up from his nap "oh hey baby did you have a good nap?" I asked "mhm not little" he said I nodded "what are you guys doing I thought you were going to search in the notebook denki gave you?" He asked we sighed "yeah but it's blank for some reason" shoto said kachan then sat beside him "no it's not it's full of notes see" he said which confused us so we all looked and he started reading the blank page "information of the league of villains first page there leader is all for one-"

Bakugou pov

I don't get what's going on with these idiots "how can you read it there's nothing on the page!" Shoto exclaimed "you guys are acting weird why can't you see it ,it's pretty clear" I scoffed I don't know why these idiots can't read this it's kinda making me worried "we'll figure out why we can't read it later just read for now"deku said so I continued ,it was all basic information about the league that we knew already but there was a page about there backgrounds were they came from and there childhood i kinda felt bad for them but when it came to dabi's page I-i couldn't read it "hey why did you stop?" Deku asked

"I don't know but I don't think this is a normal notebook cause there's some parts I can't read like there blank maybe it doesn't want us to know or something" I said this whole situation is confusing after a whole lot of reading and a lot of confusion we read the whole book well as much as possible cause at the end there was a lot and I mean a lot of blank spots.

So we came to a conclusion to stop this whole thing we need to stop the league of villains  "so we're actually gonna do it huh" Deku asked "yeah but we're not gonna do it alone  we'll talk to the pros and our classmates right?" Deku said in a sad tone "I guess so" I said

But as I was closing the notebook i caught a glimpse of the last words that were blank before

"a war...."

Well I hope your ready to cry cause boy this is gonna be heart breaking

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