Chapter 51

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Bakugou pov
"Eeeeehh are you sure this is the right place?" I asked denki holding his tightly ,he nodded and started walking towards the door "stay close..." he mumbled as he squeezed my hand reassuringly,he nocked on the door.

We stood their for a couple of minutes "try again"As he was about to nock again the door swung open and I met eyes with an old doc-scientist or madman ,I looked at him confused but he grinned at me.

"Ooh hehe welcome" he smiled creepily then locked eyes with denki "so i guess it's time then you've gone soft" denki rolled his eyes pulling me closer to his side "yeah yeah whatever let's get this over with" he huffed.

While we were entering I looked at the car were shoto and deku sat they waved at me smiling ,It calmed me down.

"Let's get this started then ,please take off your clothes and step into the booth" he said gently taking my hand and showing me where to go.

"W-wait! We wanted to ask a couple of questions first" I quickly stopped him "oh yes yes of course" he sat down on his chair "the process is very simple you don't need to worry about it, I'm guessing you want to know the side effects?" Denki and I nodded.

"Well since I'll be giving you your memories all at ones the force of it all will cause a major headache and development of some disorders ,so I could give them to you a little at a time" he suggests we both share a puzzled look "the second one please" he nodded and proceeded to lead me back into the booth.

I removed my clothes and laid down "now stay still this might hurt a bit" he smiled crazily at me but his words sounded so gentle and soft.

He left as I started hearing bussing and then I was quickly injected with something '1' ow fuck this hurts '2' why is this one freezing!? '3' I think that's enough needles! '4' this one isn't so bad-'5' fuck five hurts!!.

Five needles injected some sort of clear liquid into me once they were empty I passed out.

I don't know for how long ,but I...

It felt like an eternity for me ,I was reliving my life! I-I thought that it was a dream it was so freaky.

I finally opened my eyes ,I was breathing heavily looking around anxiously "hey baby are you ok?" Denki rushed to my side ,I don't know what got over me I started freaking out!

I was yelling and crying calling for 'daddy and dada' which confused me so much I felt so so small ,denim was confused and he looked so mad it scared me.

"KATSUKI BEHAVE!! Why the FUCK are you acting like this!?!?" He yelled which made me cry harder  "D-DADDY!!" I cried then suddenly deku and shoto burst in with worried looks on their faces.

"What's going on!?" Shoto yelled I cried making grabby hands for them ,deku quickly went and picked me up hugging me tightly he and a face of disbelief and started tearing up a bit ,holding me tightly into his arms "dada!" I cried shoto hugged both of us.

And two more chapters to go hehe👹👹👹

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