31. Confession

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Jeongyeon's POV

It's been a week, a whole week of myself trying my very best to forget and tell myself it never happen. Cause it shouldn't have happened.

I haven't told my sister anything about it,

Not a living soul.

I've been holding myself busy by tagging along my sister for shopping and eating and doing a lot of exercising, recently I've started liking boxing and it helped a lot keeping me in right track.

I've imagined the punch bag being his face and every time I do it leaves me satisfied. But my heart keeps betraying me every time i think about him and what he said

Go that's what your best at, running away, you never bother to talk or listen,

His words shouldn't affect me but it cut me deeply. Is that how I solve my problems? Is that how I seem like?, he's not wrong because I've been running away with all lot of my problems in life,

In fact it's been the only thing that I've done thinking my problems will disappear

And it jumped right back in front of me.

First Jimin then this poster card that's between my fingers, my parents apparently still keeps an eye on me not that I'm surprised. But I didn't think they'll send a card to me, and let alone ask for my appearance.

And right now I'm sitting with the first ticket back to JYP. Our holiday came to an end and it has gone far from how I imagined it, it feels like my heart is beating inside my throat just thinking about to face him

After all we're in the same building.

I have to come with ideas to never ever cross ways with him, And thinking of his last words to me he must hate me and let alone speak to me.

That's good.

But one thing for sure is that Park Jimin can't be predictable, I've learned that in the past when he would pull me into a corner in school and not care if people caught us, he didn't care at all.

And that bothered me.

Cause I care, I've always done my whole life.

And maybe that's why people stept over me like gum underneath their shoes, cause I was easily hurt and emotional, but that's not who I am anymore.

And I have to remind myself that even if there's a person who can't be left in the past.

My phone suddenly rang causing everyone on the train to look at me, "Excuse me" I awkwardly told the old lady sitting beside me.

I didn't look at the ID caller and immediately answered due to the pressure of people in the train, "Hello?"

The line was awfully quite I thought no one was there before I heard a faint laugh, to familiar that all the blood in my face ran out, "Miss me?"

Oh no no no. I inhaled sharply and looked at the ID caller, unknown.

I couldn't say any words just hearing his voice made me uneasy and it felt like I was pulled back to the night we shared, he used that playful tone and it's been far to long I've heard it.

Could it possible be?

"Answeeer me Jeongyeon...." He stumbled over words and that answered my conclusions,

"Your drunk," I stated and wanting to hung up immediately but I cared, can you believe it?

I heard him snort, "Wouldnt he the first time..."

I thought he was done but he whispered his whole tone changing and it made my breath hitched, "I miss you.. say you miss me" He sounded almost desperate..

Park Jimin? Desperate? For what?

I scoffed and brushed that wild thought of to answer him, "No"

"You cold wench"

I almost laughed finding it funny.. at his behaviour, it was like a child getting told no. I cleared my throat, "I'm hanging up, and blocking this number don't ever call me"

I already wondered how he got my number since no one knows besides close friends,

"You think that will stop me?"

"Your drunk you don't know what your saying.." and you certainly wouldn't call me if you were sober cause you hate me, I wanted it finish but that won't lead to anything since he's drunk off his mind, I heard him snarl to probably the bartender for more.

"I may not know what I'm saying but I know what I want," he shot back, I hate it. The way he says with his words, the way he means it. One thing I've learned is that he never lied, like ever and he wasn't afraid to break some poor girls heart back than

I'm getting a headache but nevertheless I answered, "I hope your smarter than this once you sober up cause loosing a chance of becoming an artist because of what? Me? Your feelings"

I know I'm being cold but it's better being realistic than naive, I've learned it the hard way.

I could hear the frustration of his voice, "Is that it for you? You never thought about even trying to hide it? I like you Jeongyeon... maybe even further than that and every time I saw you in that company being ice cold I thought you didn't feel anything but that night ...that night it was different and you know it to so why deny it? Can you be honest to yourself for once?"

My heart was betraying me, his words affected me badly. Like i could imagine it, and that made me already crazy, "Jimin—" I sighed but he cut me off, "If times is what you want i will wait but i need your vocabulary on this Jeongyeon"

I closed my eyes letting the silence answer, for a minute and it felt like years. Though he didn't hang up.

He waited for me to answer

So I gave him one.



  What do y'all think she's gonna say?

    And what do you want her to say?

    Confess or not

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