chapter 44

317 37 15

Jeongyeon's POV

"What do you think your doing!" I yanked my arm at the grip he held on to my elbow, "Hush" he whispered harshly but did not stop cradling me into a washing room. What was I thinking of taking a bathroom break when a big lion stood outside! Memories of being held like this years ago and this close came rushing back, and those memories included me being a naïve girl, one that I could not be anymore, with a forceful push to his chest that did nothing but make him laugh lightly he crowded me In more with both his hands raised above my head, his cologne scent drifted inside my nostrils as I almost got into an embrace with him, "Have you gone mad!" I sputtered out trying to think clearly with my mind getting foggy by his nearness

He needed to move.


But his deep laughter of breath lingered at my neck trailing to my skin and for once I wished in this moment for my hair to never be this short, "If you won't move, I will punch you!" I threatened but he lifted his head this time and a dancing smile lingered on his lips, one that made strange feelings within me, "Stop what you're doing" I blurted out, it was weird. Like being held in a spell.

I hated not being in control. Not knowing what was happening, and With Park Jimin I could never predict anything. He had an upper hand, always.

He bit his lip containing to laugh and my eyes followed it, my throat was working silently, and it felt like the room went up even more degrees, was I going insane as well? That would explain why the hell my heart feels like it will burst out anytime soon.

"What exactly am I doing?" he tilted his head with glimmer in his eyes, like a challenge, something in the air changed from rivalry to something more dangerous. A strong tension that couldn't be controlled, by his nearness and the look in his eyes.

I did not bother to answer that, one being the fact that I could not pronounce a single word, my mouth opening and closing as his eyes followed it, as if he could sense the moment of weakness, I was in he leaned his head further down until he was almost flush against me, "Actually. I have done nothing of what I want." he murmured and this time I did not move or tried to shrink away, I watched as his nose almost brushed against mine, his eyes meeting mine now glazed with want and lust. And instead of doing something impossible like kissing me he held my gaze, with millimetres now apart, "Can you deny this? that you don't want it?" his seductive deep voice made me tingle, and I bit my inner cheek in disbelief... what is are you doing to me?

And to my embarrassment I had said it aloud and with a light chuckle he whispered, "This" and before I could comprehend what he meant, his lips came crushing down on mine, rough and harsh, and completely taking me by surprise. He sealed the breath out of me and brought his hands to my cheeks in caressing movements, his lips now brushing softly against mine, asking for entrance which I helplessly did, and like a bolting force I was answering back to his kisses like my last breath, not knowing when one ended and started by his soft lingering lips in slowement until he broke the kiss and when his breath of light chuckles hit my cheek I realised I had my eyes closed dazingly,

Like an embarrassed chicken I turned my face but that asshole wouldn't let me, "No no.. , I cant stand it anymore, don't turn away from me, don't hate me... please" he murmured like he was in pain.. agony. something and how desperately he said it made a strange new feeling inside me, "Why?"

He didn't stop to twirl my short locks between his fingers like it was the most fascinating thing, "Do I have to really explain that?" he met my eyes and a replay of the mind blowing kiss came rushing back and I swear my face must be looking like a tomato, "You are blushing.. how adorable" he smiled and at first I believed he was mocking but the tenderness in his touch told me otherwise.

What had just happened.

"Will you stop, do you have any idea what the rest will think when we haven't showed up! Any one can find us" I whispered harshly, even the thought of talking normally was impossible, god knows who could find us in this state, and unlike me he did not seem to share my concerns and worry, "What do you think they would believe?" he asked, and I could not believe it. Gosh it would be like a crime, a— "See, just like always, you care to much" he interrupted and suddenly a wave of anger came.

"What do you mean" I had not meant for my voice to sound defensive but God if I could control it!

He seemed to choose his words carefully because he sighed suddenly, "I know of the three-year contract, it is done, your free to date anyone, just as I am. What is wrong with what we're doing?"

I scoffed and opened my mouth to reply but nothing came out, only puffs of disbelief, he pounced on, "Don't fight it, shorthair. I am not meaning to win an argument over you, I am done with competing and arguing with you, although we had a lot of fun in that... I would want us to be---" like in that moment of his careful gazes it was as if sanity strike me at the meaning of his words. Impossible. Even though my attraction towards him was way stronger than I ever liked, than I ever thought of. And that I couldn't hate him, not now.

It was just crazy to ever— "You must be drunk" I shook my head

"I am perfectly sober, darling"

"Sick, you must be sick"

"I rather feel normal, besides I don't have any medical illness" he smiled, and I realised how much he loves tormenting me.

"Be reasonable!" I snapped annoyed, but the playful smile of his lingered longer and just by the stroke of his fingers against my cheek I was calmed, cured from the anxiety rushing through me, his eyes holding me captured, "I am being reasonable, in fact I could not be more sure"

"Sure on what"

"For us to date"



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