15. Heart attack

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"Aeurum!" I called her but the moment she met my eyes she was about to run, no way.

I caught her arm just in time, "Jeongyeon! I didn't see you" she chuckled making me roll my eyes

I don't have to be an Einstein to know who did it, "Cut the terrible act—" I leaned to her ear, "-you know I have stage fright, are you crazy!"

She grabbed my shoulder to gain my attention that were lost into thinking of preforming or even setting my feet on a stage.

The horror!

"Common we've been practising for 3 years your more than ready! This is your chance.. it's not in front of a huge stage just an event at someone's house" she spoke


I looked at her and shook my head, "You don't get it, I can't preform in front of anyone.. well expect a few toys, but there's to many eyes"

She pulled me towards the music room In our school, "Play, you can every single note without even seeing it, our teacher needed some one and you know I can't cause of cheerleading it's the same day as the match"

I sighed loudly. Aeurum have helped me so many times when our teacher literally forced one of us to perform on stage cause we have taken piano lessons since ages so we're professionals as he calls it.

But the piano playing isn't the problem, I agree I can play every note there is, I've done it. But the thought of performing in front of people and not myself

Yeah that's the whole problem

Looking at Aerums hopeful face I realised I can't crush her hope, after all I can either vomit or do my best.

I'll rather not think about it though

She squealed, "So...."

I threw my arms in defence, "Alright you've won, I'll do it"

She smiled widely and pulled me towards her locker, "You'll do just fine! Here's the notes, remember there will be a singer so you don't have to worry about that part"

I realised a breath on that one cause my breathing tend to get out of control whenever I think about people watching.

She handed me the notes and I took it and read it over. The melody is beautiful and the lyrics as well.

All I need is luck and a bucket in case my stomach wants to express itself


The day was almost over with math class and I was alert of everything, every movement the person behind me did

Why you wonder?

It's Jimin. He's sitting behind me as usual but this time closer than I like, it affects me cause I swear I can feel his eyes on me even though he should be paying attention to our professor

And you have the right to talk?

Alright, but to my defence it's because of him. I can't even focus on doyoung speaking to me, it's all cause of him.

When class was over I swear he took his time, I caught him checking out my ass twice.

Coming to the locker without anyone annoying me and when I say anyone I mean Yuna. She must be sick or something and that's rare as hell.

Doyoung threw his arm around my shoulder making me startled. I don't know what's wrong with me, I should be happy that my crush I've had for 3 years is even touching me right? But whenever he gets close I feel uncomfortable and because of everyone inspecting us like we're a couple

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