8.Shocks and Fights

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Avu-what the heck!

She literally shouted after looking at the food.

Sid pov
This girl will surely make my ears bleed.

Sid- why are you screaming ? (with a straight face)

Avu- I am damm hungry (pouted)

Sid pov
Can't she see the food on the dining table or she have gone mad after what ever happened ?

He rolled his eyes which Avu can't see as he was still wearing his goggles.

Sid- so eat, who is stopping you ?

Avu- look Mr.Nigam, I am person who eats food like humans not this ghaas-phoos(hay-hay).

She said while making a disguted face. The servants made a pity face but quickly changed their expressions so that they can't get caught by Sid.

Sid- this is food only.

He stated as fact.

Avu- yehh but for Jangili (wild) Cats like you... But I am a human and I need proper food

Sid- but a bandariya (monkey) like you can eat this.

He shot back with cold expressions making Avu frown.

Avu- you, Mr. Nakchade, I really don't want to argue with you with empty stomach... come on dude I need proper food... You can eat all this

Sid- but only this is made for dinner.

Avu- ahhh! but I don't care..

She glanced at the servants who were already looking tired after preparing a lots of dinner and sighed.

Avu then eyed towards the dinner and an idea popped into her mind and she squeeled

Avu- yeshh

Sid looked at her like she is some alien while Avu ignored him and his expression less face.

Avu- Do you have chilli sauce, tomato ketchup and mayonnaise ?

The servants looked at each other and Avu made a face.

Avu- don't tell me that this much common things aren't available in this freaking Mansion

Sid tapped his shoes on marbled floor and the servants quickly understood even when he don't even looked at them.

Maid- no worry mam, we have those..

She assured Avu while Avu sighed.

Avu- can you please give me those ?

She was really very hungry and hunger can drive her crazy. The maid nodded and quickly went inside the kitchen and came back after few moments.

She kept all those things in front of Avu and Avu sighed while rubbing her palms.

Sid pov
Why she is acting like she going on some mission ?

Avu- preparing something preferable to eat from this ghaas-phoos is not less than going on some mission Mr. Robot

She said while eying towards him from the corner of her eyes.

Sid- can you stop giving me those weird names ?

He said roughly trying to sound himself calm on which she just rolled her eyes. While the servants were in horror at their boss's behaviour.

Avu- and can you please stop giving those robotic vibes ? I am literally feeling like I am having my meal with a robot not a human.. though new things are good to experience.

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