55.Breaking the String of Restraint

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Avu took a last glance of herself before checking the time again. She had deck herself in an off-shoulder floral dress that reached a few centimetres above her knees. She had tied her hairs in a high ponytail and the loops in her ears were accomplishing her looks.

 She had tied her hairs in a high ponytail and the loops in her ears were accomplishing her looks

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Avu's look 👆🏻

Vibha was out to meet some old business friend whereas about Sid, so he must be in any meeting or again must be working on his office desk like a robot.

Avu pov
Stupid workaholic robot.

She had dinner plans with Nishant and didn't wanted to get late. She have made many hangout plans with Nishant earlier too, but due to various reasons it always got postponed.

So she finally decided to go with him today as even Vibha is not home and Sid, nowadays he always come late in the night.

She wanted herself to get distracted by him and his distant behaviour. After thinking for like hours she felt like she is being very attached to him.

I know I have developed feelings for him and it can be dangerous for me.

Their deal just consists her carrying the tag of his wife for an year and in return he will help her to elope from her problems.

And doesn't that mean we have to go our separate ways after that ?

She lets out a weary breath and sits on the bed. These thought makes her feel a weird kind of pain in her heart. But on other hand, she was scared. Scared that she would be left in misery of one sided feelings.

Once this one year will end, maybe he will forget me like as if I never existed. Maybe we will end up being complete strangers.
And only the mere thought hurts like bitch.

Pursing her lips, she pushes all these hurting thoughts in the deep pit of her mind and get back on her feet. Quickly picking her phone from the bed she rushes out of the room to fetch the car.

She staggered back after clashing with an unknown object which appeared out of nowhere when she unlocked the door. She grimaced at this unexpected clash and raised her head with narrowed eyes.

Avu- the fuck man!

She cursed while rubbing her forehead, shrinking her nose simultaneously.

Avu- what are you doing here ? Mr. Robot is not back yet.

She scoffs with a boring look and Riyaz gives her an apologetic look, shooking his head alongside.

Riy- well, boss is actually back

Riyaz eyes towards his right side and Avu furrowed her brows in confusion before trailing the direction of Riyaz's eyes. Her eyes etched wide with surprise and within few seconds got replaced with worry.

Avu- what's wrong ?

She exclaims and hurries to balance Sid who was staggering in Riyaz's support.

Riy- Mr. Nigam was in a meeting with some foreign clients and drank red wine and got drunk.

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